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I tossed and turned, i couldnt sleep i ever could not without tom. i pulled out my phone from under my phone and rang him, he answered after the second ring "hey" he said "hi" i said smiling into to the phone, god imissed his voice "its three in the morning  soph, what are you doing awake" he asked "i cant sleep without you, you know that" i said "same here, i miss that oyu take up all the bed" he said and i smiled "i miss you" i siad "i miss you too" he said as i yawned "maybe you just get some sleep" he said and i yawned again "maybe..yeah" i said "i love you" he said "i miss you too" he said.

I feel asleep and woke up early, i was use to being woke up by the kids they were my own persoal alarm clock. I rubbed my eyes and deicded that i would have a shower beofre i startedd my day. I stood in the shower letting the water hit me. I wrapped a tower around me and let my wet blonde hair fall over my shoulder. I walked back into my room and walked over to my draws gathering some clothes "hi" i heard toms voice. i froze in the spot, it cant be? im hearing things? i turned around to see him standing there. A smile raised on my face and i ran to him practically jumping on him wrapping my kegs around his waist. i kissed him and he smirked "so did you miss me" he asked and i smiled " i did" i said as i felt the towel drop and tom smirked "this is one hell of a hello" he siad as eh checked me out "do you mind, im sixmonths pregnant" i siad nad he smirked "and beautiful as ever" he said and i smiled "your so sweet" i said to him "what do you have planned today" he aksed "some therapy at noon and thats about it" i said "noon, so we have about three...four hours?" he siad as he lead me over to the bed unitl i fell back on he fell on top of me "i like your way of thinking" i said "well its been three wekes and i miss my wife" he said as he leant down and kissed me.

I  lay in bed my head resting on tops chest, the both of us naked, and tangled together. "I've missed this" tom said as he wrapped his arm round me "what sex?" I asked and he chuckled "no...well sex and no I mean time with my wife, just lying together without being interrupted" he said and I smiled "talking off the kids, where are they" I asked "your min and Eddie wanted to spend some time with them, so I thought that I would surprise my wife" he said and I smiled "I missed you" I said "I miss you too" he said as he kissed my forehead "what time is your session" he asked "noon, I can cancel if you want" I said "no, your going but how about after we   have takeout, you know Chinese, Italian, tai" he said "really tom, how long have you known be for" I asked "ten years" "ten years and yet you still don't know that I don't like tai food" I said and he smirked "well your pregnant and last time you were pregnant you did" he said "well that was Thomas, blame him, he's your son after all" I said and he smirked.

After I had my therapy session I headed back to my hotel room "tom?" I called as I walked into the room. I couldn't find him anywhere strange "tom, are you here?" I called "here babe" he said as he walked through the door "where've you been" I asked him "its a surprise, come on" he said as he  grabbed my arm and he took off his tie wrapping it over my eyes "tom" I said chuckling "its a surprise which you hopefully wont freak out over and say I should of consulted you, now step" he said as he helped me into the car.  He drove for about half an hour until he stopped the car "tom, where are we" I asked as I used my hands to feel my surroundings "come on" he said as he lead me out of the car ad took off the blindfold, I opened my eyes to see a big house in front of us, with a sold sign "why am I standing in front of a house" I asked him "because i  bought it" he said "you what, tom your not meant to do that" I said "i know I should of spoke to you, but I wanted to surprise you and our house is as grabbed as it is never mind with a baby on the way" he said and I sighed "your right" "come on, ill show oyu around" he said as eh took my hands and lead me into the house.

The Tale Of Sophom Book 3Where stories live. Discover now