an accident

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I sat on the phone as i handed the kids their breakfast "yeah, so what time will you be home" i asked tom "im checking out in ten minutes and by the time eddie and i drive back home it will be about four" he said "oh shame you werent back earlier" i said and i knew he was  smirking as i took a seat feeding autunm her weatabix she tried to grab the phone off of me "yes, its daddy" i siad to her and she smiled and squealed in excitement "i miss you, and the kids" he said and i smiled "we miss you too, its a shame your not back earleir then the school run, then maybe id get the change to show you just how much i missed you" i said "oh yeah....maybe you can show me tonight" he said and i smiled "god i missed you" i said "i love you sophie clarkson, you know that" he said and i smiled he still made my heart flutter when he said that "i love you too" i said as i placed autunms empty bowl in the sink as sammi stood up "in the sink" i said to her and she groaned "come again?" tom asked me "sammi, not you" i said as thomas placed his bowl in the sink. i picked autunm up and walked into the sititng room placing her into her bouncer "i do hope you have been keeping your hands to yourself" he said and i frowned to myself "what are you suggesting" i asked "you know i dont like it, when im not the one giving you pleasure" he said nad i smiled "of course" i said as i heard shouting upstairs "i have to go tom, kids are fighting" i said "okay, i love you baby" he said nad i smiled "i love you too" i said.

"thomas...sammi five minutes then school" i said as i picked autunm up in my arms "your the only good one, why dont you stay little forever" i said to her and she smiled at me as thomas walked down the stairs "what are you doing" i aksed him "nothing" hesiad as sammi walked down the stairs "i have had it with you two okay, both of you, your father is back later this afternoon with your grandpa eddie and he will be tired and you know he doesnt like you fighting" i siad and they nodded "sorry mummy" they said and i nodded "now get yur coats and ill drop you off at school" i said and they nodded not daring to say a word. i grabbed autunms coats ad slipping on her. After dropping off the kids at school and autunm at nursery. i headed to the hospital to see finley then i headed home. A few hours later my mum dropped the kids off and smiled sympathically at me "whats the matter" i aksed as i glanced at the clock tom should of been home by now "you havent heard" she asked me and i frowened "there was an accident" mum said as she was close ot tears "mum, what happened" i asked "tomand eddie, there was  a car crash"mum said and i felt my knees weaken as i held onto the kitchen bench "there okay right, toms okay?" i asked "the car that crashed into them, it hit the passengers side and they dont know if tom will make it through the night theres internal bleeding" she said and i frowned at her "no----no---no thats not happeneding, its not true i just spoke to him a few hours ago--hes fine" i said as the tears fell down my face "sophie. it is im sorry you need to get to the hospital" she said "why" i asked her and she looked at me "they dont  think that toms going to make it through the night" she said and i fell to the floor gripping my fists to my side. "he cant...he cant we havent had enough time together,please please tell me this is some of sick joke" i asked as she shuch her head and i continued to break down n tears as she pulled me to herchest. i cant lose my husband, i cant lose my tom.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2017 ⏰

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