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"Sophie? Sophie?, Sophie wake up" tom said nudging me awake "hmm....what it is" I asked "your phone its been ringing" he said I sat up and grabbed my phone to see I had five missed calls of my mum, "what the?" I said looking to see it was 3;04am "what's the matter" tom asked "my mum rang me, it must be important at this time" I said as autumn started to cry "ill get her" tom said standing up and walking over to crib picking summer up and walking out. I unlocked the phone in my hand redialling my mum, she answered on the second dial "Sophie, thank god" she said and I frowned "mum, what's the matter" I asked  "its your dad honey" she said as my heart dropped "is he---did he?" I asked unable to get the words out tears falling down my face "no, he didn't die not yet anyways but he only has a few hours, he wants to see you" she said and I nodded "okay" I said as I hung up the phone on the edge of the bed "hey, soph is there any more formula"  tom asked as he walked as he walked into the room with our month year old in his arms "over the fridge" I said as eh frowned and sat next to me "hey, what happened" he asked em as I rested my head on his shoulder as eh wrapped his arm over me and pulled me into his chest, " its my dad.....hes dying" I said tears falling down my face "im sorry" he said "he doesn't have long....I know we always knew he was dying but now its here the time and he only has hours  to live, he wants me there" I said "go" he said " i cant, what about the kids" I said "im more than capable of doing breakfast and getting them off to school and nursery" he said "and autumn?" "ill take her to work with me, settle her in the crèche" he said and I nodded "thank you" I said as I kissed him.

I walked downstairs to hear tom talking, he was in the kitchen feeding autumn "your just so beautiful, just like your mummy" he said to autumn and I smiled as I stood outside the kitchen my the door "you cant tell her this, but your mum is pretty damn amazing shes been through a hell of a lot in her life and shes one of the bravest people that daddy knows, and im so proud of her, im proud to call her my wife and if you and your brothers or sister turn out to be half the person she is, ill be proud, but like I said to your sister no boyfriend until your at least thirty, your my littlest baby and I wont have any one hurting you" he said and I smirked knowing what he was like "is that a smile? did you smile for daddy?" he asked her as  walked into the kitchen "have you seen my car keys" I asked "they were by the fruit ball in the living room" he said and I nodded and walked into the living room and grabbing the keys "im off" I said to tom as I walked over and kissed him "i love you, call me when you can" he said "i will" I said as I  kissed autumn on the head " be a good girl for daddy" I said as she smiled at me. I got to the hospital where I met up with Eddie outside the hospital "Eddie?" I sad as I walked over to him and hugged him "soph" he said as he hugged e and held onto me "what happened" I asked tears falling down my face "he had a heart attack, hes in critical condition Hes not strong enough to fight it because of the Parkinson's" Eddie said as I looked at him and wiped away my tears "your mums sitting with him, now come on, Hes been asking for you" Eddie said and I smiled as I walked into the hospital with Eddie and along the hall.

I watched as she sat next to him laughing, making me realise just how much this could be hurting her, he was her first love. I walked into the hospital room and my mum stood up "hi darling" she said as she hugged me "you okay" you asked me and I nodded "im fine" I said "ill get us some coffees" she said as I took a seat next to my dad "hey, how you feeling" I asked "like someone whos had a heart attack, shit" he said "nothing wrong with your sense of humour now is there" I asked and he chuckled "where do you think you get it from" he said and I smiled "come here" he said as he outstretched his hand to be. I placed my hand in his and he smiled "i want to apologise" he said "you don't---" "yes I have to, you deserve a better father than I was to you, I should of been in your life from the start, when I heard Rachel had a kid I should of contacted her and been there for you, ad maybe that man would never of hurt you" he said and I wiped away the tear that fell from my face "can we not talk about him" I said and he nodded "i shouldn't of walked out on you, in Scotland im a jerk, once I get close to someone I ruin things so I don't get hurt, ive always been like that" he said and I nodded "its fine, dad, all is forgiven" I said "promise me something?" "anything" I said "don't let tom go he is an amazing man and...don't like those kids forget me, im still gramps, even if im not here anymore" he said "don't worry they wont forget you" I said and he smiled as he closed his eyes falling asleep. I woke up a few hours later to see him looking at me "hey , how you feeling" I asked "just the same" he said and I smiled "what time is it" just past ten" he said ad I nodded "sophie, I just want you to know....that I love you so much and I couldn't be prouder to be your father" he said as he held my hand in his " I love you too dad" I said as I felt his grip loosen and his hand draped over the end of the bed "dad?" I said as his eyes closed "dad?" I repeated as the machines started beeping. I stood there numb as the doctors rushed in trying to resuscitate him, i was pulled outside of the room and stood with mum and Eddie "time of death 10:27 AM" I heard the doctor call "no" I said tears falling down my face as Eddie and mum held onto me so I wouldn't fall.

I got home about an hour later, the house was quiet "hey?" I heard tom say as eh walked from the kitchen I smiled at him "do you want anything to eat" he asked me "no" I said breaking down crying. He walked over to me and hugged me as I cried on his shoulder "hes dead, tom, my dad is dead" I said as he wrapped his arms around me, running his hand up and down my back comforting me "do you want something to eat" he asked me "im not hungry, I just want to go to bed, wheres the kids" I asked "sammi is at school, the twins are at nursery and autumn is out with josh" tom said "im going to bed" I said "ill come with you" he said and I nodded. I lay in bed resting my head on toms chest as he placed his arm around my waist "i cant believe hes gone" I said "i know darling" he said as he kissed my forehead.

The Tale Of Sophom Book 3Where stories live. Discover now