Chapter 11: The only hope for me is you

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If we can't find where we belong

{Bandit's P.O.V}
I remember waking up and looking to my side for the clock on my bedside table. There was no table and there was no clock. What the? Then I looked around. White painted walls, cardboard boxes stacked against the opposite wall, wooden flooring, an oak Coffee table and a red sofa.

Where am I?

My head went into complete panic, anxiety filled my every vein, my every muscle and thought. I sprung up from where I was then realised it was another matching sofa to the one next to this one. I jumped off and tried to recognise where the hell I was but couldn't think of it. Suddenly I heard footsteps coming closer to me just as my vision started to faze. A voice hollowed through the room around me.

"Bandit, Bandit! D-A-D!!"

And then I passed out.

{Asher's P.O.V ((couple hours after Bandit went home)) }
"Dude, what was going on with her?" Doug asked breaking away from the computer game which led to Seth sighing in protest.

I sat on my desk chair spinning around, so bord with doing nothing. Seth sat up on the end of my bed where as Doug lay down beside him as they both played stupid games.

"I don't know but she seemed like she was in a rush to get home which is weird, she'd always rather be out of there then in." I answered back.

"Well, have you heard from he? It's been like two hours, maybe she just wanted to get home -" Seth shrugged getting off the bed and toward the drink he'd left on the side.

"Seth, did you not hear her the other day; she didn't want to go. Why would she suddenly want to get back? I don't know but somethings up, she's been out of it lately and she doesn't look great-" Doug explained rolling round like a little child along the edge of my bed.

"HEY!" I yelled, no body will ever tell me she's not beautiful.

"N-n-no I just mean that she looks like she's lost a bit of weight and isn't looking like her normal self, that's all." He defended himself.

"Ash, just call the girl already!" Seth wined taking another sip from his coke can.

And that's what I did. I dragged my phone out of my pocket and called her number. It started ringing until it became disconnected; phone dead?

Then that's where we all became worried.

"She could've gone out or something -" Seth started.

"She could've gotten lost!" Doug said over the top.

"She could be in trouble Ash!" Seth spoke up again.

"She could've gotten hurt-" And now it was Doug's turn again.

Yes I know, we were being irrational but she's precious to us all and. . .Yeah!

I couldn't take it anymore, I got up from my chair and grabbed my jacket then ran out of the house and towards hers.


I ran up the pathway stopping dead at the door. The whole way here, my mind wonderd into dark places. My fist hit the woodwork hard a couple times.

"BANDIT! BANDIT, IT'S ME - OPEN UP!" I yelled through the door until it swung open to the one person I really didn't want to see.

He stank! The stench of alcohol lingered all around him. His clothes old and messy and his hair long and greasy. His face plastered with an angry expression as he looked down on me.

I Hate The Ending Myself, But It Started With An Alright SceneWhere stories live. Discover now