Chapter 14: We don't need another song about California

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Every second that you take to fake your life

>>Time jump; about a week after<<

{Doug's P.O.V}
Half term was over which sucked. Back to another sh*tty week.

Seth met me at my place like every morning.

"Hey Doug, ready for the hell whole?"

"Heck no. Heard from Ash?"

"Not since Friday."

"Oh, do you think Bandit is doing okay?"

"Why wouldn't she?"

"I don't know man, she left her dad's to live with her uncle and his family but Ash said he found something in her notebook she left out that he wants to talk to us about."

He formed an O with his mouth before we headed out and down the street to Asher's like normal. It was sort of awkward this morning, yeah we were tired and we didn't wanna go to the sh*t whole but today, today was different. We were quiet and we were slightly worried. We don't hang out with Bandit very much but she's a cool chick, it's just rough that she's got so much going on for her to deal with. She means a lot to him so she means a lot to us, even if we're not close enough for her to hang out with us at lunch if Ash isn't around.

"Coffee?" I asked Seth noticing a little store up in front.

"Why not?" He replied, "Hey, let's get Ash and Bee one; it might cheer them up a bit!"

"Yeah, whatever." I brushed off with a small chuckle as we got closer to the store before walking in, finding one of those machines and buying the tray of coffee to carry up to them.


We got up to the front of Asher's house and we're greeted at the door by Claire, his mom, who (by the way) is not too shabby if you er, get my drift . . .

Seth took over from that point; "Hi there Mrs -"

"Seth, must we have this conversation every time? Call me Claire." She smiled recalling every conversation she and Seth shared on a day-to-day-basis meeting Ash.

"Oh erm, kay - is Asher ready?" I loved this bit of the day, Claire would insist Seth called her Claire which made him really awkward by saying 'oh erm, kay' avoiding her eye contact, looking down at the floor and scratching the back of his head while I stood, glaring - no scratch that, ADMIRING Claire's beauty.

"Yes, he's gone to pick up Bandit though. He said he'd be back in about -" she paused and looked down at her watch before continuing, "10 minutes. You boys can wait here or come on in but I've got to go to work and James (her husband) has already left so make sure that Asher locks up." She smiled grabbing her bag beside the door from the inside and walking past us out to her car.

Then I spoke up.

"That's fine, have a great day at work Claire and don't worry about a thing!" I cracked a meaningful handsome smile which was just returned with an awkward one from Claire.

She left to go to work and I led Seth on in the house.

"You're such a d*ck Doug!" He stated bluntly as he followed on through. He took a seat in the living room and put the tray of coffee on the coffee table, taking one for himself.

"Claire is so in to me!" I smirked. She was, she just couldn't show it incase James appeard but if he wasn't around, I'd totally have her.

"No she's not and stop calling her Claire, she's your best friend's mom, back off!"

He sipped on his coffee while I did whatever I felt like doing until Asher came up Bandit under arm, as in his arm around her shoulder.

{Asher's P.O.V}
The boys would be at mine, there's no doubt about it so we just headed there before leaving for the dump whole.

I picked up Bandit since it was now like two blocks from my house but in the wrong direction for school and I really didn't want to leave her alone, especially now school is back up.

"So, how is it living with Frank?"

"Way better then where I was, it's just that, I'm in the way. There's Frank and Jamia with Cherry, Lily and Miles. I've just pushed my self in with all of them and that place is bursting at the seams and I've just made it worse -" at the start she was calm but then she started to get stressed and i wasn't going to let that expand.

"Bandit, babe; it's okay, it's okay. I'm sure you're not in there way at all. Just talk to them, okay? I love you Bee!" I tried calming her down, slipping my hand out of hers and wrapping my arm around her shoulders topping it off with a gentle kiss planted on the side of her face.

We continued walking back to mine talking about random things like viral videos, comic books, and movies, specifically the works of Tim Burton.

"Yeah but listen, if Edward's creater died suddenly leaving him all alone not knowing how to do stuff himself like cook and eat, he would have died."

Yep, we were talking about Edward Scissor Hands.

"Bee, no-" I tried to find a way that she was wrong but instead i broke into fits of giggles.

"See, and y'know; who would've taken the body after the scientist had died? Why was a scientist in charge of a production line of cookies? How would've Edward gone to the toilet without cutting his pants?" She was chuckling every time she brought up a new point getting louder and louder to fight over my laughter.

"Babe, its a movie." I managed to choke out as i finally calmed myself down.

We got back to my place and met Seth who sat on the sofa in my front room watching the TV.

"Where's the d**khead?" Doug.

"Your room im guessing." Seth explained not moving his eyes from the TV.

My arm slid off Bee's shoulders and I ran up the stairs and burst into my room where Doug was going through something, I dont know what, I could just see him looking for something.

Without him knowing, I burst into the room and crept up to him before rugby tackling him to the ground and finishing off with my mighty foot resting on his chest. To be fair to him, he let out a lot of protest and swears.

"ASHER, YOU F***ING, R*T**D, B***ARD!"

"What you looking for, man?"

"The Angel in our nightmares." he smirked until it dropped as he added, "that wasn't the greatest reference was it?"

"Well Naahh. Whatevs man, come on - were gonna be late." I began sarcastically but then it turned into seriousness as i offered a hand for him to get up, removing my foot.

We got back downstairs and into the living room where Bandit and Seth were pretty much at eachothers throats continuing the Edward Scissor Hands debate.

I stepped over and held Bandit's waist in my arms pulling her gently from Seth as Doug just laughed. I let go of her waist and instead held her hand, rubbing the back with my thumb in small circles and headed to the door. Doug walked past followed by Seth who had a cup of coffee in each hand then passing one each to Bandit and I. I locked the door releasing Bee's hand then turned to her for a second time and held it again all the way to school.

A/N: hi again. This chapter was really hard to write just cuz I didn't know what to make of it so, sorry> that's the reason its so terrible and nothing really happens. Please, leave comments and vote if you want :)

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