Chapter 20: S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W

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Make a wish when your childhood dies, Hear the knock, knock, knock when she cries, We're all alone tonight○

{Frank's P.O.V}
Watching him sit there and stay around for Bee, rubbing circles in the backs of her hand was sweet. He hadn't stopped since he got here and it reminded me of Gerard and Lindsey when we were playing the Warped tour as My Chem and MSI. I mean me and Jamia are romantic and we've always done that stuff for eachother but these two with Gee and Linds are the exact same run-away /screw-society /save-me-from-myself kinda kids. It's cute.

Jamia went home at like 7 and at half past I gave up on the small talk conversations. F*ck that. I'm also pretty sure he saw Bee's. . .filled canvas let's say. His eyes glimmered in anger to hurt over a matter of seconds after he saw them and I swear I saw a single tear drip down from his eye, threatening to spill off his jawline.

"I'm going to get a coffee. Want anything?" I asked clapping my hands on my knees as I stood. He shook his head in reply as he continued to gawk at her. I left the room and walked down the hallway toward the little canteen type thing downstairs to get my self a coffee and a cookie for Bee when she finally decides to wake up.

{Asher's P.O.V}

Frank left the room leaving just myself and Bandit.

"Please wake up Bee. Please, please wake up." I whispered as I continued to rub circles in the back of her hand and with my other, I gently tucked a little cluster of her hair behind her ear. I leaned over the side of the hospital bed and placed my lips on her cheek before whispering in her ear, "Please wake up, its sort of awkward with Frank watching me." I quietly chuckled to my self running my fingers through my hair as I sat my ass back down on the really uncomfortable chair.

"So you're not a fan of Frank then?" her faint, scratchy voice filled the silence of the room followed by a little chuckle as her eyelids began to bat open revealing her golden eyes.

"Heard that then?" my voice slightly awkward as i scratched the back of my neck.

"'fraid so. What happened?" she whisperd turning her body round to face me better.

"You passed out and fell down the stairs. Luckily you didn't get hurt all that much, just a few bruises. Your cousin called me. Jamia was here too but she had to go home for them and Frank went to get coffee." I explained.

"Great!" she muttered under her breath just loud enough for me to hear.

"B-. " I paused thinking about how i wanted to put this. But there was never an easy way so it resulted in blurting out of my ridiculous mouth. "Bandit, when did you relapse?" I whispered. Her eyes glimmered with sadness as she let out a heavy sigh.

"Do we really have to talk about this?" She sighed again tugging on the sheets of the bed hiding away her arms.

"Yes we do Bandit. I don't know why you're doing this to yourself but I'm here for you and im not ever going to go away so you might as well just tell me whats going on." I said leaning forward in the chair, head resting on my fists.

"Aaassshhhh-" she dragged out in frustration. "I'm fine, its all okay."

I lost my shit, she was not fine: anyone who says they're fine is kidding themselves. Fine is not fine, its hurting, its alone, its the feeling where you think you're better off dead, the feeling where you're dieing but you don't want to be bother to anyone so you keep everything in and lock everything in a little box at the pit of you're stomach. Its so much ore then honestly being okay.

"Don't tell me you're fine. Just don't okay-" i spat jumping up off my chair and thrusting my arms into the air in frustration.

"Asher -" she interrupted but i cut her off.

I Hate The Ending Myself, But It Started With An Alright SceneWhere stories live. Discover now