4|| Piper

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Piper's eyes snapped open and she stared at the silver cover of the tent. So it wasn't a dream. We're really in a world of magic. She sat up and stretched, looking around. The fire was burning warmly, but not overly hot. Annabeth and Hazel were still asleep, but Thalia was in the tent entrance, her knees tucked up to her chin, a mug of hot chocolate in her hand.

"Good morning Piper," she said without turning around.

Piper jumped in surprise. "How'd you know it was me?"

Thalia turned around, grinning. "Lucky guess?"

Piper snorted, then her eyes drifted to the mug of hot chocolate. "Where'd you get that?"

Thalia pointed to a water dispenser. "Hot water's there, packets on top." While the powder dissolved into the water, Thalia peeked outside again.

"It's strange staying in one place for so long," she said absentmindedly. "Normally the hunters and I would've packed up by now, been on the move." she cast her eyes around warily. "It's awfully quiet without my sisters and Lady Artemis."

Piper joined her outside just as the sun rose. That was surprising, she usually wasn't up this early. There was a low hiss, but before Piper could even reach for her dagger, Thalia had notched an arrow and fired it without so much as a glance in the monster's direction. A dracaena hissed as it dissolved into monster dust.

"We'd better get them." Thalia nodded casually to the rest of the dracaena that were slithering up the hill, as if they were a flock of birds that landed peacefully. A dracaena snarled and brandished her spear.

Piper unsheathed the boread's jagged sword. "Right."

She and Thalia hacked away at the monsters until there was nothing left but a pile of sickly yellow dust. Then, with perfect timing, Jason ran out with his gladius Hera gave him and looked around. When he saw nothing, his shoulders slumped.

"Girls always have all the fun," he complained. Thalia and Piper rolled their eyes simultaneously.

Annabeth climbed from the girls tent and took note of the sun. "It's almost 6," she said. "Fred and George should be waking up right around... now."

As if on cue, a large crash was heard, followed by a sound like an octopus on bubble wrap, except really loud.

"Their alarm clock," Annabeth explained tiredly like it was a normal occurrence, which it probably was.


The demigods followed Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny up to Ron's room.

"So, I'm assuming you guys want to know about these four," Thalia said, jabbing a finger at Jason, Piper, Frank, and Hazel as soon as they closed the door behind them.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione nodded vigorously. Ginny frowned. "Why? What's special about them? Besides that they're from America like you."

Annabeth faced Ginny and sat down. "Okay, Ginny. Do you know about the Greek gods?"


"So, you're demigods," Ginny said finally, no sign of confusion on her face.

Ron stared at her. "How are you taking it so calmly? Nico had to summon a skeleton for me to believe it. And Hermione—"

He was cut off by Hermione slapping his arm. "Shush!"

Annabeth shrugged. "Some people react differently. Like, I believed it right away. Percy doubted a little, and, well, you should've seen Nico. I didn't see him, but Percy and Thalia, er, described it."

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