9|| Piper

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Piper sat down at the Slytherin table. Despite the Weasley's hatred towards them, were pretty normal, except for the rare scathing comment about her friends. Which stung, of course, but other than that, the evil house wasn't really hitting her as evil. A little rude, maybe, but not like Gaea evil, or even completely Octavian evil.

"So, Draco," Pansy Parkinson, the Slytherin girl who had the bed across from Piper's, chatted away with the annoying pale boy at Flourish and Blotts. "You're trying out for the Quidditch team, right?"

"Yeah," Draco said back. "Father's buying me the newest model— the Nimbus 2001. Bet it'll make Potter's broom look like a sloth." They both laughed.

Piper didn't like Draco very much.

"Well, I'm done with lunch." the group of Slytherins wandered out into the courtyard, talking aimlessly. Piper desperately wanted to run to Jason's side and stay there for the rest of the school year, or maybe even just talk to him, but a) she couldn't find him, and b) Gryffindors and Slytherins did not mix well. That much was clear.

A voice carried from behind Piper, several feet away.

"D'you think— would it be all right if— can I have a picture?"

Piper turned and a smile spread on her face. Jason was there, looking at her and mouthing you okay? She nodded and smiled. The voice that carried over was from a small Gryffindor, holding a camera and looking hopefully at Harry. Thalia, Nico, Ron, and Hermione were there too, and Piper vaguely wondered where Percy and Annabeth were. They were probably fine.

The small Gryffindor kept talking. "Maybe your friend could take it, and I could stand next to you? And then, could you sign it?"

The little Gryffindor did not go unnoticed by Malfoy.

"Signed photos? You're giving out signed photos, Potter?"

Draco strode over with his two... friends... and stopped right behind the boy. "Everyone line up! Harry Potter's giving out signed photos!" He crowed.

Harry's fists were clenched and he gritted his teeth. "No, I'm not," he growled. "Shut up, Malfoy."

"You're just jealous," the Gryffindor piped up.

"Jealous?" Draco scoffed. "I don't want a foul scar across my head, thanks. I don't think getting your head cut open makes you that special."

Piper wanted to smack Draco across the face.

"Eat slugs, Malfoy," Ron spat, standing up. The insult didn't seem like much, but Crabbe and Goyle took it as a threat. They cracked their knuckles threateningly.

Draco sneered. "Be careful, Weasley. You don't want to start any trouble, or your mummy'll have to come and get you" he put on a high pitched voice. "'If you put another toe out of line—' Weasley wants a signed photo, Potter. It's worth more than his whole house."

Ron growled and whipped out his broken wand, but Hermione elbowed him sharply. "Look out!"

Piper turned and saw someone she detested more than Draco— Gilderoy Lockhart. The stupid wizard spent their entire Defense Against the Dark Arts lesson with a quiz on himself.

"Who's giving out signed photos?" He asked, snapping Piper from her train of thought. He spotted Harry, whose fists were still clenched, and beamed. "I should've known! Harry, we meet again!"

He strode over and clasped Harry on the shoulder, beaming at the small Gryffindor. Harry's face was now bright red, and Draco slunk back into the crowd, grinning triumphantly.

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