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Hey guys, I'm done with this book so this isn't a chapter, but I have some ideas that I'm not sure would be the best. I'll be accepting comments for a while because they're for the third, fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh coming books (spoiler, there'll hopefully be seven books like the seven books in the original series)

So your thoughts on these (btw they're not in any specific order some have to do with book 3, others with book 5, then to book 4, etc etc):

Should the dementors affect the demigods like how they affect Harry? Or should that just be Harry's problem?

Should Nico be able to control the dementors?

What should the patronuses be for the demigods? (list below accordingly)









Do you think I need more percabeth/ jiper/ frazel moments?

Should I put more distance between Piper and the others?

Should I make Draco nicer (at least to Piper)?

Note: I'm not putting Magnus Chase or the Cursed Child characters in because the whole demigods back in time theme will make it too confusing, unless you have ideas, in which case share

Should they get pets? (i.e. Owl, cat, toad, etc.) If yes, which pets for which owners?

Should I make any demigod/all demigods an animungus? (I'm thinking more no for this but I'm just wondering if any of you are looking for a fanfic with this)

Do you want me to skip unnecessary scenes (like what I did for books 1 and 2) or do you want me to read the entire book and put the characters into every scene listed?

Should Percy be able to talk to Buckbeak?

Should Thalia and Jason be able to talk to Buckbeak?

Should Nico be able to talk to Thestrals?

Do you want more monster attacks in the scenes?

Should the demigods join and reveal themselves in Dumbledore's army?

Should the demigods not reveal themselves in Dumbledore's army but still train them how to fight with weapons? (That one's a bit cliche so I was debating for it)

Should Celestial Bronze, Imperial Gold, and Stygian Iron be able to destroy horcuxes?

Should I add more POV's? (right now I'm not so sure how to do Frank's, so that's a bit hard, or Ron and Hermione's)

Should I add more of Rowling's characters? (i.e. Neville, Luna, Seamus, Dean, Percy Weasley, etc.)

Do you want Professor Trelawney (spelling idk) be able to tell the demigod's futures? (like she can tell the prophecies [no new ones, the ones that've already happened, I don't want to make a "3rd Great Prophecy", not because I'm lazy but I just don't like those fanfics where there are] or should only Rachel/the oracle be able to tell their futures?) 

was the previous question confusing?

(I'll probably add one of these to the ends of each book or maybe include more questions later on but for now this is just like a guideline of what you guys would like to read/ your expectations) Thanks!

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