7|| Jason

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"Grace, Jason!"

Jason walked up, trying not to trip on the long hem of his dress— er, robes. "Gryffindor the brave, Hufflepuff the loyal, Ravenclaw the wise, and Slytherin the cunning" Frank's voice echoed in his mind.

He placed the wizard's hat on his head, and it drooped below his eyes. The smell was overwhelming, like a bunch of kids didn't take showers before they put the damn thing on.

"Interesting" A voice suddenly made Jason inhale sharply. "Child of Rome?"

Um... No one else hears this, right? Jason asked nervously.

"No this is personal. Now, if you'll excuse me, I just need to—"

Jason suddenly had a five second flashback of his entire life.

"Ah... I see." The hat's voice was slightly disapproving. "You're a difficult one. Process of elimination, I suppose.

"You are definitely not Hufflepuff. Not by turning your back on Rome like that. No, that's not the place for you. Nor Slytherin, the cunning. Those two are definitely out.

"Now, Ravenclaw? That'd be interesting. But, no offense, you're no child of Minerva. I suppose the only place for you is GRYFFINDOR!"

>>>•Piper POV•<<<

Piper watched as Jason's posture changed. His shoulders slumped slightly, then they straightened in defiance, then his back grew slightly stiff. All of this she would not have noticed if she didn't know him that well.


Percy grinned at Jason and they fist bumped as he walked back over.

"McLean, Piper!" The old man called.

Piper straightened her posture. The walk to the stool seemed really long, or maybe that was just her short legs talking. When she finally reached it, she had an eerie feeling that the hat was judging her.

Like Jason, the hat slipped over her eyes. A small voice echoed within the hat.

"Aphrodite's child, eh? This should be interesting."

What's that supposed to mean? She asked defiantly.

"Oh, nothing. Excuse me while I prod into your memories..."

Huh? Suddenly Piper understood as her life literally flashed before her eyes.

"Kidnapping, snow, cyclops, Mist memories, oh? What's this?" An image of when Khione appeared on the Argo II appeared before her eyes. "Very good use of your charmspeak, my dear. Well, I think this has decided it. The best place for you, is... SLYTHERIN!"

>>>•Jason POV•<<<

Jason watched anxiously as the hat took longer and longer to decide for Piper. Finally the hat opened its mouth and Jason sat tensed.


Slytherin. Numbness flooded Jason's veins. Slytherin. The douche bags. The evil house. The opposite of Gryffindor.

Annabeth tensed and looked to the silver and green table. Jason could just imagine them brainwashing Piper or maybe cursing her to do their dirty work.

Piper pulled the hat off her head and shot a sad look at Jason before heading over to the opposite side of the room.

"I'm sorry," Hazel said to Jason, before walking up to the stool. Jason didn't even hear her name being called up.

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