12|| Thalia

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"That was crazy!" Annabeth grinned as she blew a sugar spun cobweb from her hair. "I can't believe Percy, Jason, Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny missed it!"

"I know, right? Where were they again?" Thalia got up with the rest of them to head back to the common room.

"Nick's Deathday party." Nico scowled. "I still can't believe all the souls were here this whole time."

"Get over it, Death Breath. It's almost been a year and a half." Thalia rolled her eyes.


"Let's get out before we're trampled." Annabeth looked behind them as a loud screeching of chairs could be heard— everyone finished with the feast and was going to stampede to the door at the same time. They hurried out on the path back to the common room and turned the corner—

Percy, Jason, Harry, Ron, and Hermione were standing frozen in the middle of the passageway. In front of them was a large puddle of water and above that was... A frozen cat?

Annabeth cursed in Greek and stepped up to Percy. "What happened to Mrs. Norris?"

He turned to her, panic etched on his features. "Uh... Well... something happened, we just don't know what."

"And what's that writing on the wall?" Nico asked, squinting at the paint, or blood, scratched out into words.

"The... Hamburger of..." Thalia squinted up at the righting.

There was a loud storm of feet on the stone floors as the rest of Hogwarts returned from the feast. The loud chatter was suddenly silent as everyone saw the frozen cat hung on the torch and the blood splattered wall behind it.

"Enemies of the Heir, Beware! You'll be next, mudbloods!" Draco Malfoy crowed from the crowd, sneering at Hermione.

"What is this? Go to your dormitories!" another ugly voice called. Filch hobbled out, glaring at students. When he saw Mrs. Norris, however, his crooked face twisted into an expression of horror. "My cat! MY CAT! What happened to Mrs. Norris?"

His twisted, ugly gaze cast around to each of the students before his bulging eyes fell on Harry. He pointed an accusing finger and shrieked like a banshee. "You! You murdered my cat! You've killed her! I'll kill you! I'll—"


Dumbledore has arrived on the scene, followed by a number of teachers. In seconds, he had swept past the students and plucked Mrs. Norris from the torch gingerly.

"Come with me, Argus," he said to Filch. "You too, Mr. Potter, Weasley, Jackson, Grace, and Ms. Granger."

"My office is nearest, Headmaster— just upstairs— please feel free—" Lockhart stepped forward eagerly and smiled, his twinkling teeth flashing in the torchlight.

"Thank you, Gilderoy," Dumbledore said with a nod.

The silent crowd parted to let Dumbledore, McGonagall, Snape, a very excited and important looking Lockhart, Filch, Harry, Ron, Hermione, Percy, and Jason up.

>>>•Percy POV•<<<

Percy and Jason were just about to enter the room, and the door was still open. Thalia slipped in, assuming Annabeth was doing the same. When she entered, there was a flurry of action as every single portrait on the wall dodged out of sight— all of Lockhart. What a megalomaniac.

"It was definitely a curse that killed her." Lockhart unhelpfully crowded Dumbledore and McGonagall as they observed the immobile cat on Lockhart's desk. Snape was off to the side, his face hidden with shadows, but Percy got the impression he was trying not to smile. Harry, Ron, Hermione, Percy, and Jason were off to the side of the wall, trying not to be noticed.

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