6|| Piper

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"Hurry! Go right after us" Mrs. Weasley urged as she and Ginny disappeared into the barrier.

Hermione, Nico, Jason, Hazel, Frank, Thalia, Percy, and Annabeth disappeared into the solid brick wall.



Harry glanced at the clock before gripping his cart and sprinting at the barrier. He closed his eyes... and crashed into a solid brick wall.

The cart, suitcase, and Hedwig went flying.

"Harry!" Piper and Ron ran up to him. Ron pounded on the barrier, only to find it still solid.

"It's blocked," he whispered, stunned. Piper looked at the clock.




Harry slumped on the ground. "We missed it," he muttered, looking at the clock, which now read 11:00. "We missed the train." He began to crawl over to Hedwig, who was unconscious as she lay limply in her cage.

Piper glanced around. Most of the mortals were staring at them. "We're attracting too much attention. We need to clear out, before they call the cops."

Ron was still pounding on the barrier. "What if mum and dad can't get through? We need to get on the train."

Harry shook his head. "Once it's gone, it won't stop, remember? Can you iris-message?"

Piper checked her pockets, then remembered. "Annabeth has our money. She's the most trustworthy," she explained to Ron's accusatory glance, as if he was saying, that's your fault.

"Well, Hedwig's out." Harry poked the limp owl. "And I don't think the barrier's going to give anytime soon. We should wait by the car."

Ron snapped his head up. "The car... Harry, you're a genius!" He scrambled to get his own suitcase. "We'll take the car!"

He grabbed his cart and took off in the direction of the parking lot. Harry and Piper exchanged glances before following him.

Ron heaved his suitcase in the trunk of the sky blue car and patted it triumphantly. "This baby will get us to Hogwarts!"

Piper backed up uncertainly. "Are you sure? What about your parents?"

Ron waved impatiently. "They can apparate! Like shadowtravel but they don't need shadows." He grabbed Harry and Piper's luggage and pushed it in. Then he hopped into the driver's seat.

"Get in!"

Harry scanned the street warily before getting in. Piper sighed, but didn't see any other way. The moneybag was with Annabeth, so iris-messaging was out of the option. Sending an owl- only Harry had one, and Hedwig was in no condition to fly. The barrier was blocked- no help from Mr. and Mrs. Weasley soon.

"Alright." They got in, and Ron pushed a silver button on the dashboard. Piper was in the back with Hedwig, while Harry and Ron were in the front, which was ironic, as Piper was the closest to 16.

The car around them flickered and vanished, giving Piper an eerie feeling of being a ghost. "Hold on" Ron's voice warned. Piper felt the car tilt, then they shot into the air. London grew smaller and smaller beneath them as they zoomed up into the clouds. They broke the mist and flew steadily, skimming the clouds with the wheels.

"I should be the one driving," Piper muttered loudly. "I've actually driven a car before."

Ron waved his hand dismissively, which was a bad idea as the wheel jerked and they were thrown to the side. "It's fine," he said as he steadied the car. "This is a magic car. I'm probably the better candidate for driving it."

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