When they're jealous~

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Viktor Nikiforov:

-Doesn't really get jealous often.

-He knows he's good looking, and he knows you think that too.

-But, occasionally there's just some guy around who makes him jealous.

-Sometimes it's just some random guy like a person serving you fast food or something.

-He even got jealous of the garbage man once.

-No joke.

-Whenever he's jealous he just gets really touchy feely.

-Holds your hands a lot and basically hugs you 24/7.

-He also gets really pouty and wants you to look at him all the time.

-He acts like a kid honestly.

-You get sick of it really fast.

-Luckily he doesn't do this too long.

Yuri Katsuki:

-Low key gets really jealous.

-But you honestly never know.

-He never lets anyone know.

-He gets jealous of almost everyone.

-Some ransoms guy asked you for directions? JEALOUS.

-You laughed at some waiters joke? JEALOUS.

-You did another favour for some guy? JEALOUS.

-Probably gets jealous whenever you come to a competition with him.

-He thinks everyone is looking at you.

-Makes sure to be really close to you so no one makes a move on you.

-More protective then usual.

-You brought it up once and asked why he wouldn't even let you go to the hotel room alone.

-Came up with some random excuse.

-"Uhh.. there's umm... MAN EATING SNAKES. YEAH...TOTALLY..."

Yuri Plisetsky:

-You probably know where this is going.

-Jealous and isn't afraid to show it.

-Gets jealous only when it's necessary.

-Like doesn't care if some guy is just asking you a question but the minute he starts flirting...


-He's right by your side scowling at that guy.

-He basically responds in 3 ways.

-1. Scowls at the guy until that guy think this kid is trying to possess him or something.

-2. Yells at the guy to back the fuck off his girlfriend.

-3. Kisses you right in front of the guy, while staring right into his eyes.

-When he does all of these together oml if he's intense.

-He always gets teased by you after this.

-Tsundere blushes for days.


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