How they flirt

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Viktor Nikiforov:

-I think we all know how this dude flirts lol.

-His specialty is dirty pick up lines.

-Anything to make you blush, he'll say it.

-"Is there a cellphone in your back pocket? Cause that ass is calling me."

-"I must be hunting treasure cause I'm digging your chest"

-Sometimes you like when he says these pick up lines.

-I mean?? It shows he loves your body right?

-But other times he does it in public.


-Like at a funeral or in the middle of a busy street.

-He even told you one at a skating event sometimes while Yuri and Yurio were listening.

-Viktor needs to freaking control himself I swear.

-(You low key love it tho)

Yuri Katsuki:

-Awkward child.

-Every time he tries a pick up line he fails.

-He even mixes some of them up sometimes.

-Or he literally can't finish the line out of embarrassment.

-"I'm no o-organ donor but I'd be h-happy to give you my h-he- UM I MEAN..."

-Honestly sometimes he says really cheesy pickup lines but he doesn't notice.

-It's basically the cutest thing ever.

-"You're so cute, it's distracting..."

-"I didn't really believe in love at first sight... until I met you...."

-"Your smile lit up the room... I just to come over"

-When he figures out what he says he apologizes a lot.

-Then freaking DASHES out of the room.

Yuri(o) Plisetsky:

-He's not the type for pick up lines really.

-He's just a really blunt person.

-So his pick up lines come off as stupid or aggressive a lot of the time.

-and sometimes they're just plain stupid.

-Like this kid finds a freaking text post from Tumblr or something and tries the pick up line.

-"Kiss me if I'm wrong but dinosaurs still exist right...Baka."

-You laugh so hard Oml.

-This tsundere is so embarrassed.

-He avoids you for a few days to regain his composure.

-Then next time you see him, he's just really blunt.

-"Look I like you, I don't think I need some stupid line to tell you that."

-Little did he know that line was the winner.


I tried XD. I got the pick up lines of the internet, I'm not good with making my own haha :3

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