Long distance~

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Viktor Nikiforov:

-He hates long distance relationships.

-He just wants to be there to kiss you, hold you, etc.

-But he cares so much so he tries to keep the relationship going.

-Video chats every day.


-Like if you miss a chat, he'll end up freaking out and spamming you with texts.


-"Viktor I was in class... chill"

-Oh yeah...

-He forgot about time differences.

-Keeps you updated on useless things that are happening.

-Like the weather or what he ate for dinner.

-You don't really care though, you just love hearing him talk.

-Often talks with you on the phone until you fall asleep.

-Cause he wants to be the last thing you hear at the end of the day.

Yuuri Katsuki:

-Little protective cinnamon roll.

-Basically wants to know your every movement.

-If you literally don't respond to his text after five minutes, he'll freak.

-Spams you with texts or calls until you answer.

-He just can't help it, he loves you too much.

-Always writes these cheesy letters.

-He sends one to you every Monday.

-He says he "Want(s) to brighten your morning!"

-He always sends you candy and souvenirs from wherever he is.

-And takes a lot of pictures of himself and his friends to send too.

-Makes sure that you never feeling lonely.

-Calls you every time that he knows you'll be free.

Yuri(o) Pliesetsky:

-Littles tsundere low key worries but won't tell you.

-Like most girls want good morning texts, but now these kind...

-"Yo idiot! Make sure you eat all your meals. I know you're stupid and skip them sometimes"


-He may not show it but this lil shit cares.

-Literally counts the minutes till he can call you.

-Counts the days until you meet him again.

-Counts anything he can count lol.

-sometimes he lets a cute little comment go.

-"I miss you so much.... I wish I could see you already..."

-"What did you say?"

-"N-nothing idiot! Pay attention dumbass!"


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