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Viktor Nikiforov:

-Probably a fight about something stupid.

-"Viktor! This is the S e v e n t h  time you've forgotten to teach Yuri!"

-"...that was today?"

-Or you fight about his retirement.

-He wants to keep skating but he's getting towards the end of his career.

-Fights never get too heated.

-He's chill so he doesn't raise his voice too much.

-He always comforts you after the fight.

-Cuddles all the time.

-Basically you'll be fighting and then 10 minutes later you'll be on the couch kissing and making out.

-If there's a serious fight, he turns up his charm afterwords.

-You wanted something? HE GETS IT.

-You have work to do but you're tired? HE DOES THE WORK.

-You basically end up forgiving him out of pity.

Yuri Katsuki:

-I have no idea how you could fight with the cinnamon roll

-Like?? He's too precious!

-But one thing I can see causing conflict in your relationship would be his over dedication to skating.

-Sure, you want him to practice and improve so that he is happy.

-But you don't want him to sacrifice his own health in the process.

-So this probably starts as a casual conversation about that topic, but it gets heated.

-He probably gets really mad, though he's not vocal about it.

-You guys will probably just spend a few days apart.

-You calm down and so does he.

-So when he comes to your door with flowers a few days after the fight, everything is chill.

-Probably won't leave your side after that.

-Poor baby doesn't want to lose you again.

Yuri(o) Plisetsky:

-Oh boi

-With this Russian Punk, fights are common.

-He's just not good with his temper.

-Fights range from him not being able to see you often to something stupid like there was a cat on the street that you ignored one day.

-Sometimes you can't tell if this boy likes you or cats more...

-It's obviously you.

-But I mean tsundere Russian dude.

-It's hard for him to tell you that.

-He probably stumbles and says something random.

-"I- I always have Lo-loved...cats... I MEAN YOU!"


-You don't talk to him for a bit but he gets his shit together.

-Make up sex?

-Idk ;)


I'll officially say that Yurio is my favourite now XD. I can't help it lol.

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