First date~

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Viktor Nikiforov:

-He's so prepared.

-Literally has everything planned.

-Isn't even that nervous.

-Until about five minutes before you show up.

-Then his heart rate starts to pick up.

-When he sees you walk into the restaurant, a huge smile comes on his face.

-Literally showers you with compliments about even the smallest things.

-Like the perfume you're wearing or the accessories you have on.

-Probably takes a picture of you two and posts in on Instagram.

-Even when you told him not to.

-You're low key his aesthetic

-He just can't resist.

-Pays for the meal even when you insist to split it.

-He loves to spoil you.

-Probably takes you back to his place after.

-Cuddling while watching some random movie.

-Fall asleep on couch together.

Yuri Katsuki:



-Luckily, he decided to take you skating as a first date.

-That calms his nerves slightly (cause you+skating are basically his favourite things).

-Somehow managed to walk to the arena with shaky legs.

-It took his awhile though, he's like ten minutes late.

-You're already skating when he comes out.

-His heart stops when he sees you skate.

-You make it look so beautiful.

-He skates over to you, grabbing your attention.

-"I-I-I'm s-sorry for b-being l-la-"

-"It's ok Yuri! You don't have to be so nervous!"

-You guys skate around and chat for awhile.

-Teaches you some easy moves.

-Compliments you constantly when you do a move right.

-You guys stay there til closing.

-He's so sad that it's over.

-"Thanks for the date Yuri! I had a lot of fun!"

-You kissed him on the cheek...



-He stutters before fainting


Yuri(o) Plisetsky:

-Poor tsundere.

-He literally forgot to plan things out.

-He got so caught up in skating the last few days that he even forgot he had a date.

-Now he has no idea what to do XD

-So when you show up at his front door he's FREAKING OUT inside.

-"Hey Yuri! What are we doing today?"


-Finally comes up with an idea to take you for a walk around the city.

-Low key an excuse to hold your hand for a long period of time.

-If he would actually work up the courage to hold it.

-He's literally colder then usual.

-He knows this date is going bad.


-"Yuri! A kitten!"

-A kitten was a alone by a park bench.

-He goes over to pet it, the cat snuggles against his hand.

-More cats appear.

-Before you both knew it, you played around with cats for two hours.

-Yuri's gentle smile when he's with them melts your heart.

-When it starts to get dark, he walks you home.

-Holds your hand this time.

-"Sorry for the shitty date..."

-"No Yuri, I had fun!"





-Promises to take you out again.


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