Sleeping in the same bed~

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Viktor Nikiforov:

-He was like really excited and nervous to sleep in the same bed as you.

-Like he wants to cuddle, but he has a little... problem.

-This dude is a really active sleeper.

-Literally acts out skating routines in his sleep.

-So he was so afraid to kick you lol.

-So he held you close at night and a MIRACLE HAPPENED.

-He didn't kick at all!

-He was too focused on holding your body, that his legs stayed still.

-But something unexpected happened...

-You starting kicking him instead lmaooo

-So when you woke up the next morning, the covers were everywhere.


Yuri Katsuki:

-This one is obvious lol



-He's already blushing so hard at the thought.

-So when the night comes along, he's sweating so much lol.

-Like when you lay in bed together, you can literally feel the sweat.

-"Um... are you ok Yuri?"

-"I-I'm fine! Everything perfectly fine!"

-When you cuddle close to you his heart beats really fast.

-But when you fall asleep, his heart literally melts

-Seeing you laying in his arms calms his nerves completely.

-He literally can't wait until you can sleep together in bed again.

Yuri Plisetsky:


-He's like low key hype but won't show it.

-"Yuri! Are you ready to go to bed?"

-"Yeah yeah I'm coming"

-Hiding da nerves like a boss lmao.

-He lays next to you on bed, but he won't pull you closer to him.

-He's literally facing the opposite way with his eyes wide open cause he didn't realize how nerves racking this would be.

-He hears you let out a sigh before you turn away from him.

-He can't stand to make you sad.

-So he cuddles with you.

-You're both blushing sooooo hard.

-"I love you Yuri..."

-"D-Don't say things like that idiot..."


Sorry that the update was up a little later then usual!

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