Chapter 8

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Back in their attic bedroom, Dipper and Mabel were arguing.

"There's something going on with that ghost!" Dipper said.

"Dip, I told you, he's harmless. We had a nice little discussion while you were stuck in the bushes."

"I don't trust him. But what did you find out?" Dipper leaned forward eagerly.

Mabel shrugged. "Just that he's in the area and he's trying to protect us. He's some kind of superhero where he comes from."

"A ghost superhero?"

"Yeah. Apparently. Well, from what I gather he's not a ghost all the time." Mabel said, falling onto her bed. "Can I go to sleep now? I'm ti-"

"Wait, how can he not be a ghost all the time? Death is a permanent state." Dipper was pacing the floor. It was quite irritating.

"I don't think he's dead. Just kinda magical." Mabel said, starting to snuggle under her blankets.

"How can you be so calm about this?!" Dipper continued to pace, talking to himself. "If he's not dead, then he must have some sort of power to change between forms- he couldn't possibly hold a ghostly state forever. That suggests that he's actually mortal, and gained powers through some event. But he could just be trying to throw us off the trail. We don't know exactly what he wants. On the other hand, he is not a normal ghost. He has color, a stable form, and density, which aren't usual characteristics of spirits. He must have some tie to the mortal world. But still-"

"Dipper!" Mabel said loudly, "Can we do this tomorrow? I don't care if he's the ghost of Bruce Wayne, I'm trying to sleep."

"Dipper! Get up, you need to clean the gift shop!" Dipper woke with a start to Stan's yell. Mabel was already up and downstairs.

As Dipper entered the kitchen, Mabel and Danny stopped talking abruptly.

"What took you so long?" Danny asked.

"I was up all night thinking about this thing we found last night." Dipper yawned.

"Oh..." Danny said slowly, "What did you find?"

Mabel looked at Danny with a half confused, half amused smile on her face.

"Oh, you're never going to believe it!" Dipper said, suddenly excited. Perhaps Danny could help him figure this out, if he had experience in these matters.

Danny raised one eyebrow. "Oh?"

"Yeah, we found some sort of ghost!" Dipper said. "I mean, we've met ghosts before, but this one was different."

"Wait, you've met ghosts before?" Danny asked.

"Yeah, Ma and Pa Duskerton." Mabel said. "That was a weird night." She shivered.

"Hmm..." Danny stared down at the table, apparently deep in thought.

"Oh, I forgot to ask you, Danny," Dipper said, "What exactly do you specialize in? I mean, you said you were looking for weird stuff, but like, what kind?"

Danny looked up. "Um, I actually do know a bit about ghosts. Back home, they're a bit of a problem."

"What? Where do you live?" Mabel asked.

"Amity Park. We get ghost attacks every few days, but it's normal for us. There's a few people who take care of that stuff."

"Like who?"

"Like my parents, for one." Danny rubbed the back of his head embarrassedly. "They consider themselves to be expert ghost hunters. They do have their moments. They've been trying to train me and my sister lately, so I do know a thing or two."

"Cool!" Dipper said.

"Your parents are ghost hunters? How do you-?" Mabel cut herself off as Danny shot her a look.

"You can help us then!" Dipper said excitedly. "Let's go!"

"Wait what, now?" Danny started.

"Yeah! I bet we can find him. The forest isn't that big."

"Not that big?!" Danny was incredulous. "Are you crazy?"

"Let's do it!" Mabel said. Danny looked at her.


"Let's do it!" She repeated. "I'm sure we can find him." She looked at Danny and raised an eyebrow. "Don't you think?"

Dipper nodded enthusiastically. He grabbed Mabel's hand and the journal out of his vest, running out the front door.

Danny followed them bemusedly into the forest.

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