Chapter 3: Discovery

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Chapter 3: Discovery

Harley's POV

We were all just sitting, chilling on the sofa in the living room.

"Hey brotherrrrrr." I said running over to Jinxx.

"Hayyyyyy." He said twidling his fingers like a girl.

"Oh Jinxx, still the same Jeremy." I said with a smile ruffling his hair.

"Hands off the hair and no Jeremy! Jinxx!" He said playfully.

"Jeremy." I said with a chuckle.



"Say it with me Ji-nxx!"

"Jer-emy!" I teased.

"Jinxx or die." He glared at me.

"Okay okay! Jinxx!" I said throwing my hands in the air in surrender.

"Good girl." He smiled patting my hair and I grabbed his wrist in a death grip.

"I'll call you Jinxx and stay off your hair just. Stay. Off. Mine." I said gripping his wrist tighter and tighter, my voice was really grave and emotionless. I let go of his wrist after he let out a squeak and went back to my seat. I was just sitting there and I had the feeling someone was looking at me. I kept looking and every time, I saw Andy looking at the ceiling or something random. Only once did I catch him staring at me. I turned his way and just gave him a small wave and he smiled at me and waved back. All of a sudden Ash hopped on the spot next to me.

"Hey sissy" I said with a smirk, playing with his hair.

"Heyyyyy" He said kind of like Jinxx but with a different voice.

"Harley!" Andy called and I looked over at him. He patted the spot on the sofa next to him.

"I'm going to go to the bathroom" Ashley said, standing up. I walk over to Andy and sat next to him and we talked for a little bit.

"So... um, if you don't mind me asking, how did you get through the days with your abusive father?" He asked nervously.

"Ummm... ummm" I said trying to think of something other then the truth. Unfortunately, my mind was blank.

"Umm, I xsdnjf." I said, mumbling the word.

"Huh?" He asked.  Shit he didn't hear me.

"I said I chwenjf." I said hoping he wouldn't ask again.

"I can't hear you."

"I CUT!" I yelled a little too loudly which made the whole room go silent and everyone stared at me. Shit.

"Harley, do you?" Jinxx asked in surprise. I was frozen.

"Hey guys what did I miss?" Ash asked coming in but no one payed attention to him and kept their eyes glued on me.

"Harley. Where?" Jinxx demanded sternly.

"W-where what?" I asked, hoping I could avoid this and everyone would just drop it.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about." He said once again. His playful, fun voice suddenly filled with seriousness and was very stern.

"I don't cut Jinxx, my father does it for me." I lied, rolling up my sleeves to expose red marks all over my arm.

"Your father beats you on your ankles?" Ash pointed out, looking at my ankles.

"Harley?" Jinxx asks getting even more serious and his voice even more stern. Apparently I wasn't a good liar.

"Jinxx, you know I wouldn't do that" I said, trying to keep my lie going. I tried to smile but I just couldn't.

"This has to stop." Andy says reaching for my hand but I quickly pull away.

"Nothing needs to stop because nothing is happening!" I yelled, running to my room. Everyone got up and followed me. They were really fast and close behind me so I made a quick turn on the second floor and ran into a random room, shutting and locking it. Suddenly I heard feet stopping outside the door, they then started banging on my door. I heard them saying various things including 'I'm sorry' and 'please don't cut.' I then hear Andy's voice. 

"This is my room, I think I deserve to be let in. Please Harley, I thought we were friends."

All the memories start to come flooding back.


"COME OUT NOW BITCH!" My dad yelled at me as I sat in a corner crying my eyes out.

Suddenly the door bursts open and my dad barges in, rage in his eyes. A beer bottle in one hand and his fist clenched in the other. I never know what I've done. He comes over to me and starts beating me. I just sit there crying and trying to be as small as possible. I wait for it to be over and within five minutes, he leaves my room.

I untape the small blade from under my bed and run it across one of the few empty spaces on my wrist. I see the deep red liquid flow that I love so much. I wipe off my arm and fall asleep on my blood stained carpet, hoping the beatings are done for the night.


I snap out of it and decide to look around the room.

Everything is black. The walls, the bed spread, everything. I see Black Veil Brides memorabilia everywhere and I see one whole wall filled with various different colored and shaped papers. I look over at them to see Black Veil Brides and Andy all over them. I decide it's fan mail. I can't believe Andy kept all of that.

All of a sudden everyone quiets down and the banging stops. I then hear Andy speak.

"You guys go, I got this." He said and I heard feet walking down the stairs and voices mumbling. The door opened and I saw Andy standing in the doorway. He holds up a key and closes the door behind him. I just look back up at the ceiling.

"Hey." He says. I was seriously about to burst into tears, I needed to get out of here and to my room. I stand up and head for the door but Andy grabs me and pulls me toward him, stopping me in place. "I'm sorry." He said, barley above a whisper.

"For what?" I ask, wondering what he is sorry for exactly.

"I don't like what you're doing to yourself." He said staring at my wrists.

"Well whats going on with me and my habits is none of your business" I said, trying to stay firm but failing fast. I quickly pulled my hand out of his grasp.

"It does when you're my friend and I care about you" He said, looking at his fingers and playing with them.

"I've known you for what, 2 hours?" 

"Well you've made quite the impression" He chuckled, smiling at me. Damn his smile. I just walked out of his room and went to my room, leaving him standing there in the middle of his room, alone.


sun4wallflower4shine gave me the idea.

KrazyKenzie gave me the idea to have Harley call Ash her sister and to have Jinxx and Harley have more of a brother and sister relationship so I tried to throw that in as best as I could.

 hope you guys enjoyed.


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