Chapter 45: Mother's Day

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Cbapter 45: Mother's Day


I woke up before Harley and snuck out of the room. I snuck into Brandon's room and grabbed him and grabbed Blade from her room as well. I carried them downstairs and sat them in their high chairs. I pulled out some eggs and bacon and started cooking it. I poured some orange juice and sat it on a tray. I grabbed 2 roses and put each in Brandon and Blade's hands.

"Prey fowr" 

"Yes Brandon, place the pretty flower in here" I said, holding out the vase. He did it perfectly and I went over to Blade. "Place the flower in here" She did it with a little help and I placed it on the tray as well.

I put the bacon and eggs on a plate and placed it on the tray. I pulled out the card that I had already written in and I went over to Brandon and I put the pen in his hand. I guided his hand into writing 'Brandon' and did the same with Blade. I kissed both of their foreheads and placed the card on the tray.

"Brandon, say Happy Mothers Day"

"Ha-e Maer Da"

"Blade, say Happy Mothers Day"

"a-e Mae a" I smiled and picked them up. I placed Brandon on my shoulders and placed Blade on one of my hips. I picked up the tray with my free hand and headed upstairs.

"Shhhhh" I said before finishing the stairs. I quietly opened the door and Heard Harley moan.

"Harley" I said really quietly. She turned over and quickly shot up when she smelled bacon. I smiled while I placed the tray on her nightstand and the kids on the bed.

"Oh Andy"

"Happy Mother's Day baby" I said pecking her lips. "Say it Brandon" I whispered to him.

"Ha-e Maer Da!"

"Say it Blade" I whispered to her.

"A-e Mae A" I looked at Harley who was smiling and chuckling.

"Awww" She cooed, holding Brandon and Blade close. "Thank you" She said to them and looked at me. "And thank you" She said, pecking my lips.

"No problem babe"

"Oh, whats this?" Harley asked, noticing the card. She picked it up as well as a piece of bacon. She took a bite of bacon and opened the card. "God Andy, I love your bacon" She said, taking another bite. It took all my will to keep my perverted comments inside my head and I just smiled. She read the card and smiled. "Thank you" She said, pecking Blade and Bradon's heads and my lips.

"No problem, now you get some sleep, I got everything handled." I said, picking up Brandon and Blade.

"Thank you Andy" She said, taking another piece of bacon.

"No problem babe" I said as I closed the door behind me. I headed down to the kitchen and fed Brandon and Blade. I then took them upstairs and dressed them. I sat them on the couch with me and I popped in Batman, might as well start them early ;)

I played with them a little and at noon I put them down for a nap. Harley woke up shortly after and I cuddled with her on the couch. At 1, Blade started crying. Harley started to get up but I stopped her.

"I got it babe, you relax" I said and walked up the stairs. I noticed Brandon was still asleep so I calmed Blade down and brought her down the stairs and sat her in my lap on the couch. We continued to watch TV and when Brandon started crying, I handed Blade to Harley and went to go get Brandon. An hour later I looked over at Harley to see tears running down her face.

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