Chapter 36: Can You Hear Me?

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Chapter 36: Can You Hear Me?


I could barley open my eyes they were so bright. I looked over to see Andy slumped on a chair, fast asleep and snoring lightly. I smiled at that sight. Suddenly, I remembered about Brandon and my hands shot down to my stoumach.


My stoumach tied into knots, knowing I had lost him. I looked back at Andy and noticed his left arm was wrapped up. Since I figured he wasn't going to wake up, I decided to go back to sleep.


I woke up and Harley was still the same. I walked out and walked over to Brandon's room.

"Mom, you can step out for a second, I'm just going to say hi to Brandon then go back to Harley."

"Alright Andy" She said, stumbling out of the room.

"Hi buddy" I said to Brandon. "You'll see mommy soon." I kissed his forehead and then pulled out my phone. I took a picture of me kissing his forehead and then tweeted it.

AndyBVB~ My sweet little Brandon, if only @HarleyBVB could see him. I miss you, please wake up soon.

I walked out of the room and my mom walked back in. I walked over to Harley's and sat next to Harley.

"Please wake up Harley, please. I need you, Brandon needs you, the world needs you" I sobbed into her hand.

"A-Andy?" I looked up and tried to figure out where it came from. "A-Andy" I heard it again.


"A-Andy" Her mouth formed into a smile.

"Oh my God, Harley, you're awake" I said hugging her and kissing her, tears rolling down my face.

"W-What happend."

"We got in a car accident and you were in a coma for two months."

"T-Two m-months?"


"W-we lost Brandon d-didn't we" She stuttered.

"No baby, hes beautiful"

"H-Hes alive?"

"Alive and fully developed" I said, kissing her. "He has your smile, which, is by far his best feature" I said, tapping her nose.

"Thank God." She said, placing her good hand over her heart.

"Rest your voice and let me get a nurse in here" I said, pressing the nurse button.

"Yes? Oh good, Miss Jackson, you're awake, I'll be right back with the doctor." The doctor came in with a smile on his face.

"We're going to keep you in the hospital for another week and if things go, we'll release you. Your boyfriend may have to help with your son since you're going to be in those casts for a few more weeks."

"M-May I see him?"

"Sure thing but we'll take him right back to his room so that you can get some sleep and we'll bring him in later in the week alright?"

"Fine fine" She said as the doctor left. "I don't understand why I need sleep after 2 whole fucking months of nothing but sleeping"

"Just calm down Harley" She slowly sat up as the nurse brought Brandon in. I picked him out of his basket and bounced him in my arms. "Hold your good arm like this" I said and she did it. I placed Brandon in her arms after kissing his forehead. I held on to his hand as she cooed to him.

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