Chapter 5: Dreaming

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I know that he told me to go ahead but I can't help but feel like there's something wrong. Like, there's something I should do. Besides, it's already a habit of mine to wait a little while.

Standing up, I decided to follow Bill. Not being a stalker or anything, I just wanna check him out a bit. Oh God, that sounded so wrong. When I arrived at the restroom he should've been at, he wasn't there. 'Maybe he's in a different area' I thought. I was about to search for him but then again, why go all the way just to check on him? What do I expect from him when I see his face?

Shrugging off the thought, I decided to just go back in the classroom and sit down. All this walking is making me really tired. It's not my fault that I lack at cardio. It's just that I don't exercise that frequently...Okay, maybe it is my fault that I don't exercise but hey, can you really judge me? Some people are just not born to be fit.

Each step seems to make me dizzy for some reason. It's probably just a minor migraine. On the way to the classroom, I used the walls as my support. You know, just incase I faint. Now that I think about it, my leg's been pretty numb recently. Hopefully, it's not something to worry about.

Arriving at my destination, I entered the classroom and as expected, I was met by the face of my sister. "Dipper!! I've been looking all over for you! Where have you bee- Wait a second Dipper, are you okay?" she asked. "Yeah, of course I am. Why'd you ask?". "You look kinda pale...". "Seriously?". "Yeah, seriously" she replied. I hope I don't look that bad. I checked the seats and noticed that Bill wasn't anywhere in the classroom. Huh, I wonder where he could be?

"Dipper? Earth to Dipper?" she said as she snapped her fingers infront of me. I jolted as I suddenly came back to reality. "Sorry Mabel, I was thinking about something". "No shit, you really looked like you were in deep thought. What were you thinking about?" she asked in both curiosity and worry. "It's nothing really, I'm just tired of showing the school to the new guy.." I said with a sigh.

"Did he do anything to you?" Mabel asked, almost as if it was solid. "Other than casually harassing me like touching my butt and sexually teasing me? Nope, nothing at all.." I responded honestly. "He did- WHAT?!" she reacted in shock and rage. "Hey, don't worry. It's not like I'm- Hey, Mabel wait up!" I stopped Mabel as she was about to stomp out of the classroom.

She tried to shake me off but of course, I was stronger than her so I kept the tight grip. "Let go of me, Dipper!! I can't believe he still has the nerves to just touch you like that!! If he touches you one more time, I swear I'll-". "MABEL, CALM DOWN! You're making a scene..". She looked around and saw that everyone was indeed looking at us with strange faces.
She finally calmed down and took a breath before speaking again but this time, more quietly and softly. "Did he tell you anything?" she asked. It was obvious that she's trying really hard to contain her anger. "Not that I know of..". A lie. He told me something about his favorite place where he would usually bring his bestfriend but I can't just tell her that. It's personal and I'm the kind of guy who keeps other people's secrets. Sure, he didn't say it was a secret but for now, it is.

It was silent for awhile but as the teacher entered the classroom, the whole room was back to its normal state and so was Mabel. We sat on our seats and guess what? Still no sign of Bill. The class continued on without the golden newbie and like the nerd I was, I had to listen to today's lesson. Sadly, I couldn't concentrate much. With Bill still in my mind, I can barely understand the lesson.

Feeling a little bit dizzy, I decided to take a nap for a short while.

"Hey, Pinetree, wake up" a voice called up. I opened my eyes and rubbed them to get a clearer vision. "Ughh, what time is it?" I asked groggily. "Around 8 or 9 in the morning, I dunno. It's not like I have a watch with me or anything" he responded as he shrugged. I got up and looked around. I glanced up at the sky and quickly regretted my decision as it was too bright for my eyes to even see.

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