Chapter 27 - Happy Nights

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Harry's POV

Harry: Clary, what's up with Damien?

Clary: what do u mean? Kinda busy right now.

Harry: He was crying. :/

Clary: uh...was he playing guitar?

Harry: yeah. Who knew by p!nk.

Clary: I'll explain l8r. Make him happy tho.

And with that the texting ended. Well that didn't help me much. But I guess I just don't need to know right now. Now to find Damien.

I head to the living room to find him not there. Where'd he go? I check the whole house but can't find him. So I decide to text him.

Harry: where r u?

Damien: the mall. Why?

Harry: I wanna hang out with u.

Damien: well I'll be in the food court.

Harry: of course lol

So off to the mall I go.

Damien's POV

Harry is texting me. I didn't even know he had my number. Oh well. After playing the guitar I needed fresh air and so I went to the mall. While I was heading to the mall I thought about the whole problem with how we got here and what's happened since then. My mom texts me everyday just to see if I'm ok. The only bad thing right now is falling in love.

Honestly I have it better than Clary. If we do have to leave soon, which we will, she's dating Louis now. Long distance relationships don't work. I'd know. I sigh and sit down. I didn't realize how much work this all was. The boys are very nice and I'll miss every one of them if I have to go. I start crying. If it weren't for Louis, Clary and I would probably be hurt or worse, dead.

With all these thoughts in my head and all the tears going down my face I don't even notice a man walk up to me. He lifts my chin and I recognize him instantly. "Hey love." Harry says wiping my tears away.

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