My Husband?

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A/N: hey guys the first chapter was a hit so here's chapter 2.

"Yup, I'm Natsu Dragneel, the son of Satan and your future husband!" he chimed, making my mouth fall open.

"This can't be happening!" I grabbed the closet's knob and slowly opened the door. He was sitting on the ground with a stupid grin. "Dont get the wrong idea! I just want to know more of this arrangement and my parents secrets!"

"Ok, shoot," he said. I sighed and took a deep breath.

"First, is there anything else that my parents kept from me?" I asked and he stopped for a moment to think.

"Well, yeah actually!" he replied as he remembered something.

"Really? What is it?" I questioned, curious.

"Well, you have two sisters. One is a full-blooded angel and the other is a full-blooded devil," he announced unexpectedly.

"What are their names?" I inquired, surprised at the thought of having siblings. I've never had that experience.

"I don't know. Sorry... I don't hold all the information," he explained, seemingly sad at this.

"Oh, it's okay... so, next question. Why do I not know of my siblings?" I asked.

"I guess your mom didn't want you to be involved with that life," he answered, shrugging nonchalantly.

"So, what about my sisters then? Shouldn't they not be in that life?" I comprehended.

"Well, your sisters were born into it no matter what. There was no hiding them from it," he explained.

"Oh, okay... What about my parents? What's their history?" I asked, watching him carefully.

"I dont know much so... I can't answer that one," he remarked, shurgging once more.

"What about this whole marriage thing? Is there a way to get out of it?" I questioned, hopeful.

"Yeah, one way! You have to produce a child to give to the devil!" Natsu told.

WHAT!? I'M NOT GOING TO GIVE MY CHILD THAT FUTURE! "So what happens if I refuse?" I cautiously asked.

"You can't decline it!" he snapped.

"Wait, where would I live? Would I have to carry an offspring? Why do I have to?" I complained. You would too if you were in this predicament.

"Well then... You could choose the human or Devil world. Only if you wish so and because your mother gave you up," he said, answering my questions.

"So what about-" I began but was cut off by a loud knock on my door.

"LUCY, I HEARD YOU SCREAM! SORRY, I'M SO LATE, BUT I WAS IN THE SHOWER!" Gray's voice came from behind the door.

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