My Powers

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A/N:sup guys I'm glad to have finished two of my projects and be back to publishing whenever I can!Here's your next chapter in dis!

"Weeellll...," Levy started, "Your wings"

"Huh?" I blinked twice. "What do you mean?" I asked.

"Your wings. Show me your wings," She said.

"And how do I do that?" I inquired.

"Nimwit didn't teach you a thing!" she glared daggers at Natsu before turning back to me. "Anyway, just imagine yourself spreading wings and taking flight."

I did what she said and imagined me flying in the air with wings. I felt something get heavier and heavier on my back. Soon I fell backwards from the weight."AHHHHH! ARE THE WINGS SUPPOSED TO BE THIS HEAVY!"

"Good job Luce!" Natsu called from the other side of the room.

"NO ONE ASKED FOR YOUR OPINION!" Levy shouted back before returning to me. "At first, yes," she responded, "Now look at your wings. You'll notice one's an angel wing while the other is a devil wing."

"Wow your right. Is this because I'm a 'halfblood'?" I asked her and she nodded. "Cool! How to I fly?"

"By flapping your wings!" she stated as if it was so simple.

"How do I do that?" I questioned.

She stared at me for a while before repeating herself. "By flapping your wings. Mm, how about this: they're just like extra arms."

"CREEPY!" I retorted. She gave me the 'really' look. I laughed nervously and tried to flap my wings. It took me seven tries to get them to move.

"Great! Anymore questions?" Levy asked.

"Not on my wings but about powers I have," I explained to her. She nodded and began to speak.

"Okay, you can sense other angels, devils, or halfbloods wintin a certain limit. You also have certain powers that match your characteristics. Like mine is script summoning and Natsu's is fire," she explained, "I can't tell what your's is, sorry."

"Wow..., it's okay... but one more thing. Do you know who my sisters are?" I asked.

She looked away, "Sorry I can not tell you about them..."

"So you do know!" I exclaimed. I'll admit I'm hurt that no one will tell me, but there must be a reason.

"So, you okay?" she asked and I nodded.

"So Natsu, let's go. Don't want to linger here with Gajeel and Levy. He nodded and we waved goodbye.

Once we returned home, I jumped on my bed and pulled out my phone. I had two messages.

Erza: Hi guys! Wanna meet tomorrow at 7?A.m. not p.m.

Juvia: I can! Lu? Lev?

Lu: Sure.Y?

Erza: Cause! I have news! And no me and Jellal aren't getting married... yet.

Juvia: Awwwww... dang it!

Lu: Alright where will we meet?

Erza: Same place as always! My cake shop!

Levy: Sorry, I'm late to the conversationBut I'll see you guys there.

With that I cut my phone off, grabbed something to drink, cut the lights off, and got in bed.

Wow so short! Sorry for this little short chapter but oh well!enjoy~peace out!

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