Meeting The Three Girls

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Omg please don't hate me again after this chapter!

Natsu let go of my hand and started to walk forward. He didn't seem like his usual self anymore— he seemed more serious.

"So where are they?" I asked. He turned to meet my eyes and pointed in a direction.

"That way. Go there and you'll find them," he explained.

"Wait, you're not coming?" I questioned and he nodded.

"I have something else to do...," he said. I scanned him for any clues , but I had found nothing.

"Fine," I hissed, mad at him. I turned and stomped away in the direction he told me. I hadn't gone long with an obstacle blocked my path— Sting.

"What are you doing here? Why are you here? Is he here with you?" Sting asked, bombarding me. I glanced around for any means of a exit, but couldn't find one.

Sting grabbed my arm and lead me far away, somewhere. The room was eerie like the forest and was extremely cold.

"Stay here until further notice," he said, throwing me inside the room. He then closed the iron-bar-door and stormed off. Whaaaa? Why do I always get myself into trouble?

The cold drift made me shiver. I looked around for a blanket, but only found a bare bed and a bucket.

I sighed and sat down, holding me knees to my chest. How did this happen? All I did was come here to see my sisters... Did they even want to see me?

My head laid against the cold, dry wall and my eyes closed themselves. I slowly entered a deep sleep.

Footsteps. Screaming. Fire. Mom.

My eyes flung open after having such a horrible nightmare. Scanning the room I was in once more, I noticed food at the door. After getting up to go retrieve the food, I demolished the delicious nutrients in a heartbeat.

Later, a maid in red came to pick up my plate and leave me in the cold silence. I then decided to try to break out of this place. Levy said that we have magic that matches us, so what matches me?


I heard a voice in the back of my head.

Celestial is your magic

The voice kept getting louder and louder til it was a shout.

Celestial is your magic! Use it!

I screamed in pain from that voice and fell to my knees, holding my head. Footsteps thumped every two seconds until they rested at my cell door. I looked up at a blurry figure. A familiar voice rang out.

Everything went black.


I awoke in a strange room with lights everywhere. Two figures huddled over me. When my eyes focused, I saw another me and a girl who had blonde hair like me.

"Are you really Lucy?" the blonde girl asked me. I nodded and she erupted with happiness. "I'm Michelle! Your younger sister. Do you remember me?"

I didn't want to be rude so I said, "Somewhat, my memory isn't that well intact." She smiled.

"That's all I want! Even if its just one memory, as long as you have one!" she cheered. I looked at the other girl. I could've sworn for a second that I was looking in a mirror.

"Are you Lisa then?" I asked and she just stared. Michelle nodded for her. "Nice to meet you both..., again."

"I can't believe I actually got to meet you again!" Michelle squeaked.

"I wish I didn't," Lisa stated, coldly. Michelle punched her arm. "What?" she cried.

"Don't be so mean!" Michelle warned. Lisa looked the other way a mumbled under her breath. I laughed at the two. Suddenly pain shot throughout my body and I ceased the gesture.

Michelle helped me get up and sat me in a chair.

"I was surprised when they brought you here, unconscious. What happened?" Lisa asked.

"I don't remember much but I'll try. Natsu-," I started but Lisa cut me off.

"The King of Devil's son?"

"Yes, now let me finish. Natsu brought me here to see you guys and I walked off. Sting then found me and threw me in a cell. The rest I don't remember much— just parts," I explained. Michelle nodded and hugged me. Lisa glared at me before joining in.

I smiled and hugged the two back. "So now what?" I asked.

"We wait," Lisa replied.

"For what?" I questioned.



"Lucifer... of course," Michelle answered for Lisa. My jaw slacked and I stared at the two.


"Because it's our only way out!" Lisa retorted. I silenced myself and turned to the door.

"I heard that your an angel, Lisa, and that, Michelle, your a devil. Is it true?" I asked, quietly. They nodded and looked at the door with me.

It seemed forever in that deafening silence before the door opened. A man in servant's clothes walked in and handed us dinner. I thanked him and he left. We ate then waited more again.

The door created opened revealing a person in a cloak. The person couldn't be any older then 14, judging on the height.

The person shed their hood, revealing a young girl with blue hair. She smiled at me.

"I have come to retrieve you, follow me," she said, motioning us to follow. I got up and followed her out.

"What's your name?" I asked. She turned to me.

"Wendy," she answered. My eyes went wide.

This is Natsu's sister? I expected an older girl! Why am I so stupid?

"I don't know why. How about you tell me!" Wendy retorted. She heard my thoughts? "Yes. I did!"

"Whaaaaaa?" I screeched.


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