The Search Is On

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So bored and sick. I'm tired and pretty sure I'd rather be dead. But if I died then CrazyButSweet12 Nekoda13 would kill me again! Or hunt me down in the underworld and make my afterlife miserable. Also that'll leave the brave and innocent April_Flowerheart with only two bodyguards! Haha I can't even die before Yuri On Ice season 2 comes out due to a promise... please save me.

Before I could even blink, Aquarius teleported us back to apartment. She looked at me with soulless eyes.

"Lisa us your twin sister, she's fully an angel. Michelle is your younger sister, she's fully a devil. Why don't you know of them?" she asked me with curious eyes. I blinked a couple of times before I heard a voice.

"Luce? Who's that?" Natsu asked, now fully awake. I stared at him for moment before speaking.

"This is my mother's protector, Aquarius. She has come to me in need to see my mother. As you know, my mom's dead. We just visited my mom's estate, and now she's telling me about my sisters," I explained.

Natsu looked at me wide-eyed. He glanced at Aquarius before returning his eyes to the couch. There sat the E.N.D book. His eyes froze on the book.

"Okay. Your sisters, I know where they are. Do you want to go to them?" he began, "Beware, though, Lisa is jealous of you and Michelle is just as clingy as Juvia is."

I opened my mouth to speak but stopped. I nodded and turned to Aquarius. "Will you accompany me or return to the key?" She shook her head.

"I must return to the key. Call me out if you need me. Don't forget the others too," she reminded. I held the key out and she turned to blue mist and evaporated into the shiny key.

"See you soon, Aquarius. Let's go, Natsu," I said. He nodded and grabbed my hand.

"We'll have to go on that date when we return," he remarked, smiling. I blushed.

"Yeah," I squeaked out. His wings appeared onto his back and spread out wide, covering half of my apartment. I followed his example and spread my wings out too. "I haven't flown before so I hope I don't die." I laughed, nervously.

"Don't worry, you'll do fine. Follow me!" he exclaimed before somehow flying out the small open window. I was dragged along most of the flight, but eventually got the hang of it.

We landed in a unfamiliar forest that was dark and eerie. In front of us stood two large trees, black as night. They weaved around each other forming a twisted arch.

"Here?" I asked. He smiled and nodded.

"That's the portal to the demon realm where they await your arrival," he explained.

"Why wouldn't you tell me who they were at first? If you knew why wouldn't you tell me?" I asked him, hurt.

"Well, Lisa is a psychopath who doesn't care for anyone other then Michelle. Michelle only ever asks for you. That's why Lisa hates you... and envies you. She is dangerous," he told me. I couldn't understand much, but tried to.

"Alright, let's go," I said. We put our wings away and stepped between the trees, my hand in his. A purple light flashed and the temperature rose. I scanned my new surroundings— fire, lava, and devils.

Another short chapter! I have gave you the next chapter so I take my leave~!

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