Juvia's New Crush?

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A/N:So sorry I'm late in updating!

I met up with the girls as I promised. Once arriving at Ezra's cake shop she practically owns, we went straight to talking.

"So what's the emergency?" Levy asked.

"We're gonna help Lyon by making Meredy jealous, and, no, Levy we're not making Gajeel jealous for you," Erza told. Only if she knew...

"How?" I questioned. She then gave me a smirk. Oh no...


"HEY MEREDY-CHAN!" Juvia shouted, attached to Lyon's arm.


"Well, it was obvious you weren't interested so I moved on," Lyon said to Meredy.

Meredy growled.

"What's wrong? Meredy-chan?" Juvia questioned in a teasing tone.

"N-nothing! So what are you two doing?" she asked.

"Welll~ we're going out! Isn't that right Juvia-sama?" Lyon said.

"Yep!" Juvia responded, a bright smile on her face.

"G-going o-out?" Merely stuttered and begun to mumble something.

"Would you like to join Juvia and Lyon-chan?" Juvia asked.

"Ummm... sure?" the pinkette said.

"Come on, we're going to the club!" Lyon told.

"Which one?" Merely inquired.

"SaberTooth Club,",Juvia started, "Juvia's friends will be there."

"Oh...," Merely mumbled.


After we followed them to the party we pretended we just finished running there.

"Juvia... we... made it!" I wheezed out between breaths.

"Yeah...vdon't party... without us," Erza stated. Meredy stared us down for a few minutes before turning back to Lyon and Juvia.

"Shall we go inside?" Levy asked.

"Oooo! Juvia calls the first dance with Lu-chan!" Juvia chimed. If Natsu was here, he'd wanna dance. Too bad I snuck out while he was asleep. WAIT WHAT? NO! I DONT CARE ABOUT HIM!

"Sure!" I smiled, ignoring my thoughts.

"Then I call Erza...," Levy said noticing how much taller Erza was.

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