The Beggining Of That Contract

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A/N:Hi guys!I love all of ya people!Let's begin so I can publish this!

We arrived where we were supposed to meet Erza and she wasn't there.

"Hmmm, looks like your friend ditched ya...," the invisible Natsu said.

"No she's late...," I whispered so people wouldn't think I'm crazy.

"LU I'M HERE!" I turned to see Erza running towards me with a cake in her mouth. Awww Erza your cute as always.....ya big cinnamon roll....?

"So what look and style are you going for?" I asked, giving her a supporting smile.

"Well, I want casual like I don't care yet something that'll blow his mind away...," she informed as she scanned Forever 17.

"Okay, I got this!" I chimed and quickly grabbed some clothes."Here, change into these!"

"Alright," Erza said and entered to change. Two seconds later she came out with faided pants, tan boots, a plain white shirt, and a dark vest. I scanned her up and down.

"Too boyish," I muttered and she reentered. Then after another two seconds she re-exited, this time wearing a light tan tank top, brown shorts, black thigh high socks, and army boots.

"That suites you, but not date material," I told and the process happened one more time. After coming out in a white flowy dress and red flats,we agreed that it'll be good with a jacket. So we purchased the outfit with a small yellow jacket and left.

"So is he planning where to go or are you?" I asked, trying to grasp the situation.

"He is!" she answered, "I'm so nervous!"

"Well don't be! You have the most amazing personality ever and the looks so your date's gonna go successful!" I reassured, giving her a light patbon the shoulder.

"Your better than her though...," Natsu mumbled making me sneakily kick him.

"So wanna have a girls day 'til then?" I questioned and she began to think.

"30 mins then I'm gonna go home to get ready," she suggested and I agreed. We ended up eating at a Cafè.

"Ahhh, that was some good food!" I cheered as we exited the mall.

"Yeah, your right," Erza concured though she only ate cake and drank tea.

"Well I have to go home," I stated and waved her off.

"Bye Lu, oh and also before I forget... are we girls still meeting up for you know what?" she asked and I nodded.

"Of course,vwouldn't miss it for the world!" I rejoiced. Then she left.

"What thing?" Natsu asked, making himself appear.

"We're gonna pull plan GrUvia with the help of Mira and Lisanna," I elaborated.

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