Is This A Date?

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(Does anyone else ship Garrence from Mystreet?Just wondering.....cuz I do.)
A/N:Sup guys~sorry for slow updates its just a lot of school is happening but thank god its the weekend!Lol let's move on to the book.

"So where are we going?" I asked. He just smiled once more and kept dragging me.

"You'll see when we get there!" he told me. The people walking by looked at us and said 'Awwwwwww look at them, what a cute couple'. I couldn't help but be embarrassed. I covered my face so no one would recognize me.

"We're here!" Natsu chimed and pointed to a pizza building called 'Pizza Palace'.

"A pizza place?" I asked and he nodded.

"They have Electronics, games, and the best pizza in town!" he explained, pointing his hand towards the building.

"Electronics?" I inquired, thinking of the horror game about a pizza place. Wait I'm not gonna die right?

"Yep, let's go in!" he cheered and dragged me inside. It was a gigantic place with a lot of sections. There's the birthday station, the stage, kitchen, security room, arcade, and many more parts of this place.

"We're to first?" he asked.

"The stage, it is we're you eat... watching electronics," I offered. Wait I'm at a pizza place that owns working electronics with a devil? THIS IS THE MOST WEIRDEST DATE EVER! What... is this a date? No,of course not... right? There's no way this is a date, absolutely no way!

"Luce, you alright?" he questioned, peering down at my blank face.

"Huh? Yeah fine... still using that nickname?" I responded and he smiled goofily.

I saw teens together, kids playing, parents watching, friends hanging out, and couples. "This is a busy place huh?" I mumbled and he didn't reply. "Is everything ok?"

"Huh? Yeah... yeah," he said. TABLES HAVE TURNED! I'M NOT THE ONE SPACING OUT!MWAHHAHA! We took a seat and a server approached us.

"What do you want?" a male server asked, bored and not even looking at us. He had red hair and seemed to really dislike being here.

"I want spicy pizza!" Natsu said, "And tea for the drink!" The server wrote on his pad and was about to leave before I spoke up.

"Ummmm... excuse me... I'm here too!" I exclaimed, causing him to look up.

"Oh ok...," he said and quickly looked down. "What do you want?"

"Just tea...," I answered not wanting pizza for some reason AND definitely NOT chicken.

"Be back with those orders," he said and left.

"Such an amazing Waiter!" I sarcastically remarked, waving my hands. "Did you see his name tag? I'm complaining to the manager."

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