Before you start chapter 1...

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Before you read the story...

Hellooooo, you can skip this entire chapter if you want to, because the story starts in the next one. But please do read the last paragraph of this one.

This is going to be quite a long introduction lol. I'm kinda long winded. Sorry. Also, I'm sorry if the description sounded too serious to you, but I'm not very good at coming up with descriptions so bare with me. I've never written fanfics before so, like, please, um, try your best to enjoy it even though you think it's bad. You can be honest about it, like "YOU SUCK" or "WOW I NEVER KNEW HOW MUCH A STORY COULD SUCK UNTIL I READ YOURS YOU NEED TO STOP TRYING". Yeah you can do that I won't mind at all, but don't do it anymore to anyone else, because cyberbullying is not cool.

So... I'm going to start working on this piece of story, picking up from where the movie left off, that is when Anna's frozen heart thawed, and they all lived happily ever after, like for Anna, she started a relationship with Kristoff, (now the ice master and deliverer) Elsa gets control over her ice power, Olaf gets to live in summer in his personal flurry, (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) and Sven, well, I assume he's happy, that reindeer seems to be happy whenever he's with Kristoff. Then, the story starts with Anna and Kristoff being an adorable couple, Elsa copes with being the Queen or Arendelle, Olaf living in the castle with them, Sven getting his own shelter in the castle. For now, what I'm sure of is, I'll enter Elsa's mind and make this a first-person view narration. I choose to write about Elsa because she reminds me of my inner thoughts and struggles...all those kinda soft grunge stuff. Don't look at me that wayyy, everyone has their soft grunge moment...come on... And also because, Elsa is my new favorite Disney character for now.

I still haven't figured out most of the story, but I'll try, as soon as I feel like the story's going right. I've watched the film several times and I love it so muchhhhhh, and I think that it is too short for such an adorable film. It is so smile inducing, and you need to watch it if you haven't already. (HERE COMES THE PROMOTION) It is like the type of film you'd watch and feel genuinely happy during the film. I've never felt so much love for an animated film, it is so heartwarming and it reminds you of everything good in life i.e. all those cozy stuff like sweaters, stuffed toys, your own bed, your pillow, your blankets and your favorite food. I'll keep watching until I get bored of it, which will be NEVERRRRRR.

This may or may not contain spoilers for those of you who haven't watched, but I can promise you that the characters will possess the characteristics and personalities that they possessed in the film, and kudos to the filmmakers for making them so cuteeee!!!!!!

DISCLAIMER: I do not own the characters that Disney has created, i.e. Anna, Elsa, Kristoff, Olaf & Sven. I DO NOT OWN THEM NOR DO I KNOW THEM OK THEY ARE OF DISNEY'S PROPERTIES AND I WISH THEY WERE REAL ACTUALLY SO THEN I WOULD BE ABLE TO TALK TO MY FAVORITE DISNEY CHARACTERS. Well, the MAIN point is, I do not own anything that belongs to Walt Disney Animation Studios, and I am writing this story out of pure enjoyment, and I am not going to earn money from this, because I am more of the spontaneous kind of person ;) (awkward crickets noise)

OK, so here we go, hopefully it'll work out right, this story, or else it'll just get abandoned in my stupid draft and I'll never publish it if I think it sucks, or if the characters didn't seem to be who they are in the film, or if, somehow, maybe, I create a new character for the story and s/he's too fake or too unlikable, then I'll leave it in the drafts too. One thing that will not stop me from posting is if you hate the way the story is going, like "NO EW YOU CAN'T MAKE ELSA THAT WAY" or "NO THIS IS TOO CLICHE" or "NO OH MY GOD THIS STORY IS RUINING WHAT I LOVE IN THE CHARACTERS AND I HATE YOU FOR THAT"--compiled together as hate/criticism. I mean, criticisms are welcomed in here, but it won't stop me from posting, so if you decided that you hate this story, leave your comments about why you hate it, tell me about the

1. grammar mistakes,
2. typo,
3. hypocrisies,
4. how you don't like where the story is going,
5. all things that make you unsatisfied, 

then leave (hahaha I'm quoting the movie now, ok)

Just kidding, you shall leave comments so that I would read them and realize what I've been doing wrong and I'd try to improve all those things and make one fancy ass story that leaves you satisfied and happy. However, I'll not like it if you're being too mean, I'd like to hear criticisms, not hate comments, there are differences between those two, and I'm pretty sure you know how to differentiate them :)



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