The Scarecrow

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This is one of those games that you play at your own risk. If you die, that's on you not me.
What You Need
A backyard (preferably a farm or out of the city will work better)
A special room
Everything closed
Close everything in your house. All of your desks and backpacks. Anything you think can be closed, close it. Light your incense in the room you will hide in. Have your crucifix with you. If you don't have everything closed the scarecrow will be able to get in.
The Main Event
Go outside into your backyard. You can decide what time you start the game. Just don't start at midnight. Say three times "But who will scare the crows?" If you don't hear anything, leave your house and don't come back until 6:00 AM. If you think you hear a voice behind you or in your head, run inside. This is a lot like the midnight man which I will write about later. You will walk around the house with your crucifix. If you see a man standing somewhere don't be afraid. He's like the referee. Don't talk to him or look at him. Just continue the game. Don't look in the backyard. If you do run to your safe room and grab your crucifix and pray to your god that you didn't leave anything open. Sleep if you can. Wait until 6:00. The game is over.
Start at 9:00: have good luck
Start at 10:00: have good luck, and not be hurt emotionally
Start at 11:00: have good luck, not be hurt emotionally and physically.

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