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They were the school's "Most Loving Couple" for the past year.

Gentle touches, sweet kisses, cute hugs, and flowers at random, they were the sweetest pair you could imagine.

Luke wasn't in love - yet.

He shouldn't ever be in love with that girl, Michael thought. He's too good for her. He deserves better.

Because his best friend was falling in love with a player, a heartbreaker, and a cheater.

And maybe, just maybe, Michael was falling in love with his best friend.


"Luke, could you maybe come over later?" The brown-eyed girl asked.

"Sorry, he's coming over to mine for the day." Michael interjects, before Luke could react.

"Oh, can I come?" She batted her fake eyelashes at Michael, and it was all he could do not to scoff and roll his eyes.

"Guy's night, sorry." The girl huffed and stalked off, leaving the two Junior boys at Luke's locker.

"You never told me it was guy's night." Luke says.

"I just did, now get your shit and let's go, Hemmings. I'm not being late because of your lazy ass again," Michael smiled at his best friend, who flipped him off and got his binders, as they headed off to English - oddly enough, Michael's favorite class.

Michael excelled in English, he even wrote in his free time at home. He's been working on a story that he wouldn't let Luke see until it was done, but from some of the stories he'd read from Michael, he knew it would be great.

Luke loves to read, and Michael loves to write. It's how they met, actually - Michael had left his journal open in second grade, and inside, it was a story about your typical seven-year-old fantasy - a prince saves the princess from a dragon, but with a small twist - the dragon turned into the princess once he slayed it and the princess died.

He wasn't a typical author, he liked sad stories and plot twists that seem to twist your heart until it snaps, breaking in two, and each time, Michael would hate and love the story. He hates the cliché romance books that always had a happy ending - The Fault In Our Stars was his favorite book just because of the fact it wasn't stereotypical. He loved reading those types of stories.

Luke, however, preferred art. Michael would always say that if he became an actual author, Luke would be his illustrator. He loves Luke's style and creativity, and makes even the most boring pictures seem alive and exciting. Michael can draw a bit, but Luke is the real artist. He paints, draws, sketches, designs, and can even sculpt a bit, too. He prefers a canvas, but he can work with digital painting - it's just not his best work.

Luke actually hasn't shown Michael all of his masterpieces. Michael knows he paints to get his feelings out, rather than talking to someone, or writing, like Michael does. Michael also knows Luke was depressed for a long period of time, and even attempted suicide twice. He guesses that those are the paintings he doesn't want to show Michael, because his mind is a dark and twisted place as it is.

He's described them, though. He's described them as dark, terrifying, disturbing, and that they would shock Michael. Which made Michael very, very concerned. He said that one day, he'd let Michael see them, and it would be before the end of their Junior year.

They made that promise last year, and now that they're in their Junior year, they've got two months left of school.



"What, Luke? I'm trying to write."

"Can I please just see a page of what you're writing?" Michael glared at him over his glasses, as Luke rolled his eyes, knowing that Michael hated his improper usage of grammar.

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