I Think...

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Luke looked up in horror as he heard his window break.

"Shit! Sorry!" Michael yelled from below, and Luke got up quickly, not even caring that he looked terrible. He threw on a shirt anyway, and he was pretty sure it was Michael's.

He avoided the glass and looked down at Michael, who had a small pile of rocks next to him. Michael looked down and kicked half the pile away, clasping his hands behind his back and giving Luke one of his award-winning, please-don't-hate-me smiles.

He was wearing his signature red flannel with a band shirt underneath and combat boots, along with ripped-at-the-knee, skin-tight skinny jeans that the parents of everyone in the entire town hated. And Michael's friends - Calum and Ashton, and although they didn't wear skin-tight jeans like him - were definitely in on the black skinny jean trend that Michael had started. Luke was, too. He might've been wearing black eyeliner, too, but Luke couldn't tell from the distance. But the thought of Michael wearing his eyeliner again? Oh, it gave Luke chills. He loved Michael's eyeliner, but he only wore it for special occasions, or when he was privately hanging out at Luke, for his parents had found out, and he'd gotten smacked by his mother for it.

Luke shook his head. "What the fuck are you doing?" He asks. "It's two in the morning!"

"Pebbles didn't work, so..." Michael trails off, his feet crossing over each other.

"And so you threw a bloody rock through my window?"

"Yeah, not a great idea, now that I think about it."

"It's a terrible idea, Michael."

Luke shakes his head, even though he's smiling at the faux redhead.

"Can I come up?" He asks, quickly throwing another rock to the side and hearing a bird squawk. Luke looks like he's trying not to snort and laugh. "Don't laugh at me!"

"You're an idiot. Yes, you can come up," Luke chuckles, going to find a broom and pan to clean up the glass.

After a solid ten minutes, Michael has climbed through Luke's window and is now helping him clean up the glass. By picking it up with his hands, no less.

"I'm telling you, you're going to cut yourself," Luke sighs.

"I got it, I got it," Michael says, dumping the smaller shards of glass that Luke didn't get into the dustpan. "See? No cuts." He holds up his hands, and Luke rolls his eyes.

"Idiot." He gets up and dumps the glass into the trash can.

"Oh come on," Michael pouts at him. Luke rolls his eyes, but takes the chance to glance at his waterline. He was definitely wearing eyeliner, and it definitely make Luke's cheeks heat up.

"I see you finally noticed the eyeliner." Michael teases. Luke glares at him, even though he adored the way it made Michael's eyes pop even more.

"Shut up," Luke mumbles, looking away as Michael laughs.

"Roof?" He asks. The way Luke's eyes snapped back to Michael's twice as bright made Michael grin.

"Let's go."

Michael helped Luke out of the window and onto the fairly small ledge above them, pushing him up onto Luke's slightly slanted roof. He then pulled himself up and laid next to Luke, looking at the sky.

Luke absolutely loved stargazing like this - on his roof with Michael holding his hand, where nobody could see them. It was their favourite way of hiding in plain sight, besides the discreet kisses in bathroom stalls. And the occasional heated make-out session when they should be in class, but are tucked away in the bathroom where all the toilets are broken and only two of the sinks worked. It was generally a safe place for them to do anything, really.

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