Chapter 4

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I woke up the next morning to a brisk knock on my door. I got up and noticed that someone had slipped a piece of paper under the door.

I picked it up and realized that it was my schedule for the day. I had breakfast in the dining hall at 7 am, a doctors appointment at 9 am, lunch at 11 am, free time at noon, dinner at 5 pm, and I had to be back in my room before 6 pm. What was I supposed to do between 6 and bedtime?

Looking at the clock, I realized that breakfast was in less than 10 minutes. I figured that I might as well take my time getting ready and skip breakfast. I wasn't hungry anyway. The reality of my situation was making my stomach roll.

I picked out my clothes for the day and went into the bathroom. It was amazing having a shower to myself. Before, there were a few stalls with showers in them that all of the girls had to share. There was very little privacy and we had to be quick so that we didn't hold the other girls up.

But now, I took my time and relaxed. I turned the heat up so that steam coated the walls and mirror. The warm water slowly eased my tense muscles while I tried to forget where I was for just a little while.

Finally, I got out of the shower, dressed in a pair of blue jean shorts and a t-shirt, and brushed my teeth. Sitting on the bed, I looked over at the clock. 20 minutes until I was supposed to be at the doctor. Well, now what? Was I supposed to find the doctor's office on my own, or was someone going to show me where it was?

Shrugging my shoulders, I lay back in bed and got myself comfy. Considering that this was the last place on Earth that I wanted to be, I wasn't going to put much effort into following the stupid schedule that they had given me. I'd even be okay with being reassigned to the labor camps for being too difficult. 

A few minutes later, there was a knock on the door. Sighing, I got up and opened the door to reveal a slightly agitated looking Katie. She hardly spared me a glance before turning on her heel and saying, "Come with me."

I closed the door behind me and followed Katie down the hall. It was awkward and quiet, the only sounds being our footsteps until we reached the stairs and she finally spoke up.

"You are not allowed to miss meals, so please do not do it again. And, for future reference, you are expected to arrive at all doctor's appointments at least 15 minutes early."

I hung my head and muttered sorry. Somehow, Katy's anger made me feel guilty, even though I despised everything that she was working for.

Eventually, Katie led me into a small waiting room and gestured for me to sit while she talked to the lady sitting behind the desk. After a few minutes, the lady motioned for me to follow her back into an exam room. 

A doctor who looked about 40 came in soon after, and introduced himself as Dr. Burkes. He poked and prodded at me, took measurements, and drew blood. He even preformed something called a "gynecological exam," which left me feeling uncomfortable and violated.

After everything was done, he looked over his notes, then turned to me and said, "Well, Olivia, we won't have the lab results from your blood test for a little while, but everything looks good. You seem to be a healthy, fertile young woman."

I nodded and he continued.

"I'm going to start you on some prenatal vitamins and folic acid tablets. You will take them once daily before you go to bed. Also, I have been told that you skipped breakfast today. Don't do that. Breakfast is an important part of your health, and when you get pregnant, your child's health. Make sure to stay active. If you are fit before you get pregnant, your child will have less chances of being born with a defect. Every breeder has weekly doctors appointments. Yours have been scheduled for Fridays at 9 am. That is all, I will see you next week."

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