Chapter 15

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I was dead. Everything was black and my whole body was burning. Oh, god. How could I have failed? What would Ashton do now?

Then, I opened my eyes and realized that I had just panicked and was being ridiculously overdramatic. The darkness was from squeezing my eyes shut so tightly, and the burning I felt was from the exertion of running combined with the adrenaline coursing through my veins.

But, if I was okay, did that mean that Ashton had been shot?

I looked around frantically, but he wasn't in front of me like he had been moments before.

I stopped in my tracks and turned around just in time to see Ashton's wolf bite into a guard's jugular and savagely rip it out.

Blood sprayed everywhere and I felt nauseous. Holy shit. I had just witnessed someones life end. I guess that I knew that our plan was dangerous, and that we might need to hurt some people in order to escape, but I never thought that we would end up killing so many people.

I didn't think any less of Ashton for taking such drastic measures. He was just trying to protect me and do what needed to be done. I had just never seen this side of him before and it was a little bit unsettling.

Ashton's wolf trotted over to me and I quickly looked him over, searching for a gunshot wound. He was covered in blood, but none of it was his own.

I only allowed myself a moment to be relieved. We were in deep shit. Everyone would have heard the gun go off.

Ashton and I shared a quick look before bolting , continuing in the direction that we had been heading before.

Weaving through the trees was difficult at such a fast pace. Branches reached out and scratched our faces and legs, but we never slowed. Both of us were all too aware of the danger that we were in.

Just as we were nearing the northern perimeter, I spotted a guard up ahead to our right. Ashton hadn't seen him yet, but the guard was lifting his gun and taking aim at Ashton. 

I didn't have time to warn Ashton, so instead I tackled the soldier, knocking the gun out of his hand. The guard shouted, grabbing me by the fur and pulling me off of him before raising his fist to hit me.

Instinct took over, and I quickly swiped at his face with my claws. I hadn't done any serious damage, but it was enough to surprise the soldier and allow me to wriggle from his grasp. As soon as I was free, I clamped my teeth down in a death grip on his shoulder and shook my head ferociously. Hopefully I would do enough damage to keep him from following us.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the soldier's arm reaching for his gun. After hesitating for a moment, I clenched my teeth around his neck, severing his artery and killing him instantly.

That moment of hesitation, though, was enough for the soldier to reach his gun and pull the trigger before his life ended. 

All of this took place in a matter of seconds, and Ashton had only just now reached my side. First, he pawed at the guard, checking to see if he was still alive. Then, he came over to me and whimpered, sniffing my side.

Once his nose made contact, a searing pain tore through my left side. Crap, this was bad. I must have been too distracted by the fight and my adrenaline to notice that I had been shot. I started to freak out. We had gotten this far! I couldn't die now!

But as I surveyed my wound, I noticed two things: I could still breathe easily, and there wasn't an excessive amount of blood. That meant that the bullet must have missed my lungs and major arteries.

I couldn't dwell on this good news for long, though. The sound of another gun shot would lead other soldiers to our location.

While Ashton was still looking at my wound with concern, I took off in a gallop once again before Ashton followed close behind. The gunshot in my side made running much more painful, but I ignored it as best as I could.

We soon crossed the compound's border, which meant that we would encounter patrolling soldiers much less frequently, but they would still be trying to find us. 

For hours and hours we ran, never slowing or taking a break. When we crossed paths with a river, both of us quickly dove in, washing away our scent temporarily and making it harder for us to be tracked. 

Still we ran further, having no idea where we were or where we were going. In wolf form, we could run for almost a full day without having to stop. As often as we could, we stayed in the protection of the woods, hoping to avoid being seen. No more soldiers crossed our path, and none from the compound had managed to catch up with us yet.

Finally, a few hours after sunrise, we stopped to rest. We were far from being in the clear, but at least for the moment, we were safe.

Thank's for reading!! <3

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Any ideas for what will happen next?

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