Chapter 8

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Ashton was soon back in my room and we fooled around for the sake of the cameras, which still freaked me out. After, I collapsed back on the bed and Ashton lay next to me.

"Oh my god, I never thought that it could feel that good without actually... you know, doing it."

Ashton chuckled. "Well, when you're with someone as incredibly sexy and as amazingly talented as me, it's bound to feel good."

I groaned and slapped his arm. "I shouldn't have said that. Your head is big enough already."

He just smiled and we fell into a comfortable silence while Ashton held my hand, playing with my fingers and tracing patterns on my palm.

Eventually, I turned on my side to face him and asked the question that had been on my mind all day. "Hey, Ashton. Why have you been so nice to me?"

"Because I'm a nice person."

"No, I know that, but you're different with me than you are with the others. Why?" I hadn't seen him hold hands or steal glances at any of the other girls all day.

"Is that really a question that you have to ask, Olivia?" He asked, looking at me with confused eyes.

I only nodded.

"Well, I guess I'll start at the beginning, then," he sighed, "When we first met yesterday and I saw how beautiful you were, I was really excited that you were my new assignment." Somehow, he seemed ashamed by his statement. It didn't make sense to me. I wasn't very attractive, especially compared to the girls that I had seen in the complex today.

"But, then I saw how scared and vulnerable you seemed, and I had this overwhelming urge to protect you. The thought of doing something that would hurt you was sickening, and I knew that forcing you to breed or telling the administrators that you weren't complying would hurt you. So, I decided to help."

He looks me in the eyes and continues, "And then, we talked after, and I got to see that you are just as beautiful on the inside, too. You have this way of viewing the world, of seeing what it could be. You still have hope for the future whereas the rest of us have just accepted our fate. You made me question for the first time wether I have been following a just leader or an immoral one."

Ashton went on, still holding my hand. "I had a lot of fun spending the day with you, Olivia. You were quiet a lot of the time, especially around my friends, but I could see your mind flying a million miles a minute in your head. I couldn't help but try to imagine what you were thinking about. God, sorry, I've been ranting. I guess all in all, I've been acting this way towards you because... I like you. That doesn't sound quite right, but I'm not sure how to say it. I enjoy spending time with you. I'm attracted to you."

My heart lodged itself in my throat as he kissed me on the cheek. Had he really just said that? I had never had anyone say so many nice things about me. I guess that maybe I did affect him the way he affected me. 

I smiled back up at him and placed a little kiss on his shoulder, too languid to lift my head up to reach his face.

"Is it the same with your other 'girls'?"

Ashton stiffened a little, but immediately shook his head. "No, we're friends, but I don't feel the same." I nodded.

"How many other 'girls' do you have?" I asked. I felt bad questioning him about this because he obviously seemed uncomfortable talking about it, but I was curious. Besides, even though I hated knowing that Ashton was sleeping with other girls, I didn't hold it against him. He was just doing his job.

"Umm... I haven't been here long, so I only have two others. I started out with one. The most experienced guys have five."

Again I nodded. He had to fill three girls with his seed every night. That must be exhausting. I can't even imagine five. They probably had to spread them out throughout the day.

"Olivia? Say something! Please don't be mad."

I looked over and took in his wide, worried eyes before quickly shaking my head. "No, I'm not mad! I'm sorry, I was just thinking."

Ashton sighed in relief and pulled my body into his chest, nuzzling his face into my neck and inhaling deeply, taking in my scent.

Once again, my wolf felt safe and content in this man's arms. Ashton was a potential provider and protector, and that was all she really cared about.

"How many offspring have you produced?"


Wow. I tried to imagine three little Ashton's running around in the nursery. It was surreal. Ashton himself was barely a man.

"How do you feel about that, Ashton?"

He paused and took a deep breath before responding, "I used to be so filled with pride. I was fulfilling my duty to the pack, spreading my genes and creating the next generation. Now, I'm a little bit curious about them. Were they boys or girls? Which sectors will they end up in? But, mostly, I feel guilty. I gave life to these children and practically sentenced them to die for a pack that I'm not sure I even believe in anymore."

I was a bit ashamed of myself. Ashton had been content, more than content, and then I came along and lay his whole belief system to waste in one day. "I'm so sorry. I'm sorry that I took that away from you."

"No, don't be sorry. I'm glad you made me question everything. For, I actually feel like my own person, like someone who thinks for themselves instead of being a mindless drone like everyone else. You've made me begin to discover myself."

"Thank you for saying all of those nice things about me. And about what you said earlier? I feel the same. I really like you too."

Ashton grinned so joyously that my breath got caught in my throat. He swiftly leaned down and captured my lips in his own. I couldn't stop myself from laughing in happiness, but Ashton caught the sounds with his lips as he continued the searing kiss. 

If I never found my mate, if the only relationship that I ever experienced was this one with Ashton, it would be enough. I could work myself to death at the labor camps and still smile just by remembering this moment. Even if I couldn't make it last, maybe this memory could be my happily ever after.

Ashton rolled himself on top of me and trailed wet, sloppy kisses down my neck. I chuckled, feeling his hard length pressing against my thigh. He was ready for round two already? Well, so was I. Lifting my arms around him, I tried to wrap one leg around his waist before I groaned out in pain.

"Ugh I'm so sore!" The early morning workout and fake breeding session we had earlier had completely worn out my muscles.

Ashton placed a few more pecks on my neck before pulling back.

"Where are you sore?"

"Everywhere!" I groaned.

He grinned mischievously before kneeling on the foot of the bed near my feet and beginning to rub my sore calves. My thoughts and worries retreated to the back of my mind as Aston continued. The feeling of his fingers pressing into my skin was amazing.

The rest of our time together that night was spent this way. Ashton paid special attention to every muscle and I repeatedly moaned out in pleasure. Our sexual desire was going unfulfilled, but a deeper, more urgent need was being met with every second we spent together.

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