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She stands beneath the tree like a ghost. She has poetry on her lips and her fingers are stained blue from the sky.

It is not a cold day, but it is jewel-bright and brilliant with sun. The heavy autumn air tastes crisp and cool.

The leaves are falling now, falling falling falling, and they are yellow like gold and honey and just as sweet. They drip around her like lemon-flavored rain, softly, lightly, shhh the sky is sleeping.

It is a lazy, syrupy kind of day, when you move through time like it is snow that is up to your knees. She dreams under the tree.

There are yellow leaves lost in her hair and autumn gold trapped in her eyes, but there is a faint smile on her lips and lightness in her chest.

It is such a little thing, this autumn day, but it has overdone itself, and she is overwhelmed.

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