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He was Hades.

He breathed fire, his eyes were black and burned yellow in the flickering light. His smile was silk and smoke and roses. His smile rose from the depths of hell.

Oh Mother, it is so cold in the Underworld.

I wake with his name on my lips, my dreams are stained with ichor and gold. And I clutch my head and shiver and shiver and shiver because it is so cold and all the fire around me burns like ice.

He worships me like I am a goddess, he kneels by my feet and calls me his queen with a smile pulling at the corner of his mouth. And when I extract myself from his poisoned delusions, he stands at the door with his pretty, pretty smile and asks me where I am going.

I want to reply with, away from you, but his hands and scent and the screams emanating from his heartless smile pull me under.

Oh Mother, it is so dark in the Underworld.

We are children and we don't stop pretending and I drink from his wine-stained mouth even though it is poison and I am parched.

Oh Mother, do the people miss the summer?

I cannot remember the sun or the flowers beneath my bare feet. The shadows whisper that it was all a dream, that all I must do to have peace is to forget...

All I can remember is the black crown encircling my brow and his sweet, sweet smile.

I am damned, I am forever damned for the flames that have turned all the flowers to ashes. I am damned for putting my arms around him as he whispers pretty things into my shoulder.

I run from him, only to have him hold me and tell me that I will be safe. He is heaven and hell and I can only see stars.

My soul is black, and it resides in his left pocket. He kisses me when he leaves, and when I press myself against him, I cannot feel a heartbeat.

When he is gone and I am alone, I look at my hands, which are red from the bloodstains on his shirt. And I sink to the floor and weep silver and gold tears that I hope will drown me.

Oh Mother, is winter over?

Yes, I have fallen in love with a demon. But he has gold flecks in his eyes and a smile sweeter than pomegranate.

And as he destroys me, I am teaching him how to live.

Oh Mother, don't cry.

He is my dreams and my nightmares, he is vulnerability and power, he is light and dark, he is love when he should be hatred.

Oh Mother, I have fallen in love with death.


For dark people like BoredBookPerson lol

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