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You had hands like water lilies, so pure and perfect. I could look into your eyes and see the bottom of the pond, they were so clear and bright. I held your hands close to my heart and you planted roses in the hollow of my collarbone and had your hand pressed onto the small of my back and it was perfect, perfect, perfect.

If I twist around and remember, I can still feel the imprint of your pure, pretty hand pressed against my back, and I can close my eyes and let the rain drum on the inside of my head. But it doesn't matter because the kisses and roses you planted on my collarbone have died of thirst and faded away, and I know that I couldn't have saved them if I tried.

And you were springtime, even if I was winter, and you melted the ice casket around my heart and I'm still breathing. You hated gardening but you planted roses in all the places I was broken. You were my everything, even if I was just your something.

And now you're gone, and I'm still alive, though the roses have all died away. And I find I'm alright with that, with the idea you're gone and you've taken spring with you. I've been too blinded by dead flower petals to notice how pretty snow really is.

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