Nobody's Running.

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**Reminder: 18+ story...**

  Feeling a bit warm I turn to my side looking for a cool spot on my bed. I feel the warmth spread just inching along my abdomen. Half asleep I press my thighs together trying to smother the warmth. Feeling it subside I slowly open my eyes in the dark. Watching my alarm clock on my bed side table, it glares brightly back at me 4:43 AM. Rolling face down on my pillo I groan. You have got to be kidding me... I almost regret not finishing playing with Josh. Ha, as if! It was ending anyways. Eyes shut, smirking into my pillow, I look forward to the possibilities of a new "friend."


Staring off into space, waiting in the back of the room for class to start, I tap on my copy of Plato. Ethics, fitting.
"Looks like somebody didn't get any last night," Roxy whispers in my ear, watching my disgruntled appearance; simple make up paired with a high ponytail of low maintenance, a grey T-shirt dress with black knee high socks, and grey vans. Everything screaming 'Not in the mood'. She can't take hints.
"Why must you hurt me like that Rox?" I turn to face her on my left still leaning on my elbow. I watch her bright pink spaghetti strap as it tries to slide off her shoulder just as she pulls her books out. Her dark jeans fitting her like a glove with her black pumps making her curves pop.
"'Cuz it's time to for a new fish, and lovely me is taking you fishing tonight!" She winks pleased with herself. Tilting my head I narrow my eyes at her perkiness.
"Are you sure it's for me? I mean, you kinda fûcked up your last guy...ouch! I'm kidding!" I rub my thigh from her pinchy hand. " Thank you, beautiful soul, you."
"You're so very welcome my droopy little vixen," she winks smiling innocently. People start trickling in while we're giggling, when I suddenly feel Roxy pull on my dress. I watch her slowly going doe eyed on me, chuckling slightly I turn almost freezing with her.
Entranced by an arm that tightened with movement, every time the fabric was pulled it slightly revealed a chiseled chest on top and perfect abs peeking underneath. I swallow. Hard. My panties almost combusting on sight. He stops moving altogether watching me. And I couldn't look away. Not like I wanted to but Mr. Burke was starting to say something important maybe and I really, really, really had to look away now before I jumped the poor guy...licking my lips, I thank the stars the class erupted in laughter, ending whatever spell I was under.
Blinking fast, getting all my senses back I feel Luca watching me in content. I openly watch him, and his eyes turn liquid gold.
"Glad to see a familiar face," he gives a huge grin. "Last night-"
"Yes, I remember," I mumble a bit shocked. What the heck is wrong with me! Speak! Think! Breathe for crying out loud!
"Luca Blackthorn," he says as he extends his hand for a hand shake. I reach out slowly, my hand feels like it's shocked at the touch, blankly staring at it and his grip tightens, looking up into his eyes, almost glowing. 
  "Raquel Santana. You can call me Rae..." I clear my throat, letting go Of his hand my mind starts to clear up, turning I wave over to Roxy whose watching the exchange quietly.
  "This is my friend Roxy, err Roxanna Miles,"
  "Nice to meet you, Luca, Roxy is fine." She shakes his hand a little to enthusiastically.
  "Pleasure to meet you Roxy," he nods his smile never faltering.
Okay, I got this. Just need to focus, right? Opening my notebook, I look to Mr. Burke, watching him go on about Socrates' last hours before his death. That guy sure loved to talk poison or not.
Roxy elbows me, turning my head slightly I catch her making goo-goo eyes at me. I roll my eyes, could you be more obvious Rox?
Throughout the class I can only think of him. Taking random notes, I feel him. I feel his body heat so close. Biting my lip I peek from the corner of my eye to notice his arm is lain across his lap, his fingers tapping away. Slowly I look up to notice his heated gaze is settled on my exposed thighs. Not being able to help myself and move in my seat, my dress inches a bit. His chin twitches in perfect response. This could be interesting. Crossing my legs I place my left hand on my thigh. Tapping my fingers I hear him clear his throat, a familiar throb reacts to him making me bite my lip. He shifts in his seat looking to see what he's doing I look straight into dark pools of heated gold.
Licking my lips I watch his eyes narrow, he lets out a small growl. I feel myself so turned on I'm about to jump him on he spot when chairs are pushed and shuffling of papers break through my reverie.
Class is over.
  I turn grab my bag and stuff my books in record time. Walking out with Roxy calling out to me, I'm sure I fûcked the guy with my eyes just now. Hot on my heels, Roxy pulls me to a stop.
"Hey! What was that?" She asks confused.
"I..I don't know? But I think I just raped the poor guy in my head..." I run my hand through my hair on the last sentence.
"Say something Rox...," I burst out.
"Yeah we all kind of felt that," she smirks, "was missing out on sex that bad?"
"Really? That's all you have to say?" I laugh.
"Hey, I was ready to shove you guys in a room from all that tension! Rae I think he's the new fishy!" At that I turn to leave.
"Hey why are you running away?"
Waving a hand I yell, "Nobody is running. I'm just heading to Chemistry. And Roxy," I turn walking backwards, "tonight we go on your stupid fishing trip!"
I need to get Mr. Golden Eyes out of my mind and hopefully end this horrible ache. I need an understanding friend.

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