Hot and Demanding

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****Beware! Not PG-13****

'...piece of me, wish I didn't need.

Chasing relentlessly...'

Everything is slowly coming into focus. Looking at his outstretched hand you see small pointed scars blending seamlessly. Following them up his arm, meeting his shoulders- his chest moves to his breathing, its mesmerizing. My eyes move to his throat where I wish my lips were, they inch closer to his jaw that I want to lick, his mouth- that's set in a line, I bite my bottom lip as he licks his. His eyes. They take my breath away.

Lucas' eyes are dark they almost look black. That's all I need to push me to touch him. My fingertips graze his waiting palm. Suddenly my hand is pulled painfully away, the clubs noise comes crashing into my head. Turning my full hatred, onto whatever idiot thought they could touch me, I hear it- a low menacing growl that sends chills down my back in a mixture of fear and pleasure. It's so shocking I almost think an animal is in the room, but I know better. It's Lucas. Before I can even react- the arrogant pricks hold reels me in wrapping an arm around me,  I realize its Jacob, great.

Looking up I see Jacob looking a little unsteady. The idiot has been taking something alongside the drinks, I think to myself. Putting my hand on his chest I see a little spark of the sober guy. Maybe he's not all gone.

"Jacob, sweetie, I thought you were waiting at the table?" I try for nonchalant, biting my tongue to not punch his stupid face.

"Well, you seemed to be taking a while,'' he mumbles, "So, I thought I'd make sure you were ok.'' He winks or tries to. I try not to grimace.

"As you can see, I'm ok. Head on back I'll meet you in a moment." I smile placing my hand on his chest gently pushing him away.

"Well, since I'm here lets head on back together," he tightens his hold on me. A clear sign he's not letting his prey get away. I feel my anger bubbling.

"Let go, Jacob," I say through a clenched jaw.

Clearly ignoring me, he looks to Lucas and leans close to my ear he whispers, "How about we go somewhere less... crowded?"

"Oh please, that's not going happen, Jacob." I roll m y eyes, all sweetness out the window.

"You heard her," Luca threatens. Jacob looks at Luca and smirks almost like he doesn't see the intimidating god like creature with burning eyes. I swallow at how hot and demanding Luca looks. Taking a step forward Luca looks almost wild, Jacobs smirk becomes a hard line. 

  "I suggest you let her go- before I make you," Luca but threatens Jacob. Even in his stupor he can tell Luca means business, loosening his grip I take the chance to pull away. I'm sure I'm supposed to feign pain, but all I can muster is undisguised distaste. Since when have I had such bad taste? Since forever darling, the snarky voice chimes.

"Rae, hey," Jacobs voice creeps back, "Sorry I went a little too far. Lets go back to the table?" he tries to reach me but stumbles a little. He stops when Luca steps beside me. Every single cell stands in attention, my body aches for his touch, at the same time as I'm on guard. "I don't know who you think you are, but I already called dibs on her buddy."

"God, could you be anymore vain Jacob? I could not be any less interested in you even if
you paid me." I cross my arms. His unfocused eyes dart to my chest, I roll my eyes. "Be a good boy and go home before you get hurt. "

"Need more clarification?" Lucas' eyebrow shoots up in challenge. Dumbstruck Jacob just watches in his little drunken haze. Not waiting any longer, Luca then turns taking my hand in his as we walk away.

  "You stupid bitch, getting me riled up for nothing!" Jacob barks, almost making me laugh.

"Can't say I'm sorry!" I yell back not falling behind, I smile sweetly at the thought. No way am I sorry if I can have Luca all to myself, I grin. I feel warmth coming from Luca, that calls to the hunger in me. And I want nothing more than to satisfy it. 

  I can feel my heartbeat thudding in my ears the anticipation growing more and more. Reaching the stairs Luca suddenly stops and turns. He's eyes clouded, his eyebrows stuck in a frown. 

"I know I just pulled you here without asking...," he sighs running a hand through his hair. I bite my lip holding back a groan, How can he be indecisive and yet so yummy at the same time? Looking him in the eyes, lights shining down showing me his lust clear as day. I grab his hand and pull him up the stairs. I'm sorry but, no take backs.

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