Chapter 3

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Sam's P.O.V.
I've been dating Kate for about two weeks. I think it's time that she meet Dean and Carson. I normally wouldn't introduce a girl so fast. This time it's different. Dean, Carson and I have decided to lay off hunting for a while and honestly this girl is amazing!
"Hey Kate?" She looks up from her book.
"Yeah Sam?"
"I think- I think I'm ready for you to meet them."
She jumps up, happily.
"Really?! When?"
"Tonight? You can have dinner with us."
She smiles and goes to pick out an outfit. I really hope they like her.
Carsons P.O.V.
I've been sleeping in Deans room since the night that Sam told me about that girl. We haven't been having our nightly talks. I just can't face him. I'm cuddled up to a shirtless Dean, wearing his flannel and no pants when Sam barges in without knocking. I look over and my eyes widen as I try to find my shorts. Dean and I have gotten even more comfortable around each other. We were just friends though. They're was seriously nothing more. He only thinks of me as a sister and I love someone else. Sam quickly shifts his eyes to the floor, almost looking sad.
"Uh hey Sammy. Whatcha need?" Dean asks.
"I'm gonna bring Kate over tonight for dinner."
My heart immediately shattered. I give up looking for my shorts and crawl back into bed with Dean, needing his comfort. He quickly wraps an arm around me, kissing my forehead.
"Alright cool. Carson and I will make dinner."
I nod.
"Of course." I smile. "I can't wait to meet her." Lies.
An hour later just as Dean and I finished dinner, Sam walks in with a girl. She was gorgeous and made you feel super insecure. She was in a really pretty dress. I sigh, looking down at my plain outfit. Maybe Sam liked girls that dress up. I'll keep that in mind. Sam looks at me and grins. I smile back and walk up to them.
"Hey, I'm Carson."
I hold out my hand, expecting her to shake it. Instead she pulls me into a hug.
"Hi, I'm Kate! Sam has told me so much about you." She grins.
"All good I hope."
She nods. Man I was really hoping she'd be evil so I'd have a reason to hate her.
"Well lets sit down and eat." Dean says.
We all sit down and I reach over to grab the salt at the same time Sam does and our hands brush. I quickly pull my hand away and he looks down. I start eating quietly, realizing I don't want the salt that bad.
"So how did you and Sam meet?" She asks.
I laugh.
"That's uh- quite a story." I say, not wanting to bring up memories. I sigh, as she nods her head; wanting me to continue.
"I was with my dad at his clinic; he was a doctor. Sam, being the clutz that he is, trip over a stick and fell against a rock. He needed twelve stitches." I laugh, remember a lost, puppy dog looking Sam running into the clinic your dad worked at.
"How old was he?"
"He was 10. I was 8."
"Oh wow. 9 years?"
"Yeah. My dad died shortly after and I had to stay with my uncle Bobby. Turns out Sam and Dean here, knew Bobby too. They stayed quite often. When I turned 16, I moved here with the boys."
"Oh wow. I'm sorry about your dad."
"It's cool, he died happy. That's all that matters."
Once she left, I started washing the dishes. I heard a shuffle and turned around to see a shirtless Sam leaning against the table. I quickly turned back around so he wouldn't see me blushing.
"So what'd you think?"
"She's nice." I mutter.
"Yeah, she is."
I finish up the last dish and try to walk away, but Sam pushes me against the counter. He has one arm on each side of me. I look up at him, trying not to think about the fact that he's shirtless.
"You haven't been talking to me and I want to know why. Right now."
"We're dating and we didn't want you to know. Leave her alone."
Dean was here to save you as always.
"What?" Sam mutters.
"We didn't want to make things awkward."
Sam looks at me to confirm and I slowly nod.
"I don't believe you. You guys have never had an interest in each other before."
"I was so blinded by hot girls at bars, that I didn't see what was right in front of me."
"Prove it."
Dean walks over, pushing Sam out of the way. I look up at him curiously and he mouths 'Play along.' He strokes my cheek gently and leans in pressing his surprisingly soft lips to mine. I know what he's doing. He's trying to make Sam jealous. I doubt it will work, but I'll try. I wrap my arms around his neck. He pulls away a little and gives me a quick kiss on the lips before grabbing my hand in his.
"What the hell?"
"We didn't want to make things weird Sammy." Dean says, surprisingly cool.
"That's why you've been so distant?" He looks at me, sadly.
"I'm sorry Sam. I should've told you." I whisper.
"Yeah. You should have." He turns around and walks to his room. I hear his door slam and I look at Dean, smiling.
"Thanks for saving my ass. As usual."
"Lets go to bed. It's been a long day."
I smile, walking with Dean to his room. We hop into bed and I lay my head on his bare chest.
"Goodnight, Dean."
"Goodnight, Car."

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