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There hadn't been much opportunity for a proper conversation since their encounter in her office, with meetings and opposite shifts it had now been two days. Two days of shy glances across the department and nods as they passed each other on route to a patient.
So that's how he found himself leaning against the outside wall of the E.D with a coffee in each hand waiting for her to arrive. She always turns up early and he was on his break, it wouldn't give them them long but he would take it.
He feels his heart skip a beat when he sees her motorbike pulled into the car park and he decides he probably looks far more desperate than he'd like. She removes her helmet and their eyes meet, in that moment he doesn't care one jot how eager he looks to her or anyone else.
"Thanks." She smiles accepting the drink held out to her.
"I know your busy...But...Do you think maybe we could meet after work?"
"Sure...I'm on admin today so...Whenever you ready come find me."
Nodding his agreement Jacob left Connie with a smile and a wink before heading back inside, internally congratulating himself for causing her cheeks to flush a delicate shade of pink. Such a simple interaction left them both walking on air.
They left work together, a polite distance between them as they walked. He had no idea where they were heading and it pleased him that she didn't ask, she was willing to follow him and the destination didn't matter. Her actions spoke volumes.
The silence stretched out till he realised she was waiting patiently for him, he had the ball in his court, they were here on his terms.
He is tempted to try small talk, some polite conversation to get them started but then he thinks what's the point. "You said you couldn't promise that you wouldn't push me away again." Instead he gets straight to the point, knocking the shine from her eyes.
"No." Is her sombre response.
Jacob nods mulling over her direct and honest answer. "Can you promise to try?"
He can see her mind working, putting pieces together, trying to figure out which of her many questions to ask first. "I...what?"
"Promise that you'll at least try to let me in...to stop dealing with things on your own...instead of shutting me out, talk to me...if we're ever to work Connie..." Looking her right in the eye he knew she was scared but he ploughed on regardless. "...if this is what you want...you need to give me something...some sort of assurance that your as serious as me about this." He feels his resolve wavering when a lone tear trickles down her check.
"There's nothing more I want than to make you that promise Jacob...but...I know me...and you do to...I can get very...self destructive." She speaks the truth no matter how easy it could be to do what he'd asked and moved on.
"I can see us bring very happy sweet cheeks..." She sucks in a breath at the sound of her pet name, it's been such a long time since he'd used it, but it still fits. "...I've imagined it all...I'm only asking for you to try."
They strolled through the city, lights pinged to life as the night sky faded in above them. There was nowhere to be and no rush in them, they went where their feet took them.
Jacob felt the brush of her knuckles against his, for a spilt second he dismissed it as a miss timed movement as they walked until he felt her hand slide into his.
He watched her, in a world of her own, eyes downcast and zoned in on their joined hands like she was only just seeing the sight for the very first time.
A gentle squeeze on her fingers brought a halt to their wandering and Connie back to the present. "I promise." She told him simply, her voice slightly hoarse from the emotions that threatened to wash over her like a tidal wave. "You'll remind me of here and now... if-" "-I promise." Jacob knew what she was asking and he needed no further explanation, he was just eager to move passed this limbo they'd found themselves in.
He had no doubt the trials they'd faced had made them stronger, if it didn't work this time it never would, third times a charm people say.
In the middle of the city's high street they hugged, clung to each other finding the comfort and peace they both sort. The last remaining late night shoppers and the fresh faced youth looking for the next watering hole passed them by without a thought or glance, with no clue of the size of hurdle they'd taken together.
"Is it this simple... " Jacob heard her ask, her voice muffled by his chest. "...Do we pick up where we left off... How does it work?"
"There's no rule book Connie...No wrong way...we do what feels right for us." He said holding her closer.
Connie smiled up at him, he see a definite hint of mischief in the twinkle in her eyes and his heart swells, this was the Connie very few people got the privilege of knowing. This was the Connie he fell in love with.
"How right would it feel...If we jumped in one of those taxis over there...Went to mine and shared a pizza?" she wondered playfully.
"You...share pizza...pull the other one!" He chuckled as they separated finding each other's hand again.
"I'm making a change Jacob... No point doing things by halves."
Happiness radiated through him as he pulled open the taxi door allowing Connie to climb in first before he followed.
He knew he was a lucky man but the extent of that luck would only be known with time and depend on Connie's commitment to the promise she'd just made.

Please be patient, I have more but tomorrow is a very busy day...work..work and more work. I'm not even going to be able to watch Amanda's episode until Sunday afternoon. :(
I think a few, one or two of you will be happy with where the story is heading....(I have a feeling....lol)
Love you all
C.J xxx

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