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Waiting for Connie to open the door felt like a lifetime, maybe it was down to his impatience or maybe she wasn't going to open it at all, time seemed to stretch out.
Jacob shuck his head, dislodging his wayward thoughts when he heard the locks click open.
"Sorry..." Connie apologized stepping to one side quickly to let him in.
He couldn't help but grin. She stood before him slightly out of breath, her hair wet and dressing gown wrapped tightly at the waist.
"...Grace was supposed to be listening out for you while I had a shower...go through...I won't be a minute." She added before scurrying off back up the stairs.
For a split second he considered ignoring her directions and following her until he remembered they weren't alone.
Walking into the living room the sight that greeted him melted his heart. Grace was fast asleep on the sofa, her ipad hanging loose in her hands. He debated turning around,  closing the door and leaving her in peace until he noted the odd angle of her neck.
There was a need to take care of her, protect her, scooping her up as carefully has he could manage he settled her into his arms.
"Con..." He called gently into the master bedroom.
"Mmm..." She answered appearing in the doorway, distracted by the hair grip she was trying to pin her hair up with. "... Oh..." When she realised the precious cargo he carried. "...I guess the flight took it out of her."
He followed Connie to Grace's room. "Goes a long way to understanding why she didn't let me in."  He whispered with a smile looking down over the young girl.
Moving out in to the hallway Jacob took the time to appreciate the woman stood before him, raking his eyes up her bare legs to the hem of one of his shirts, over her chest where the material skimmed over her nipples.
He knew the look he wore was one of desire and he couldn't apologise for that, the sight of Connie clad in only his shirt was a fine sight indeed.
"Didn't anyone teach you it was rude to stare." She was teasing him but he was in no mood for playful. He stalking forward like a predator would on its pray, he had tunnel vision focused entirely on her.
Once in range he dipped his head and clamped his lips to hers, hunger quickly spread like wildfire as her small frame made contact with the wall.
He could sense her eyes on him as they laid side by side in bed. Their love making had been energetic to say the least, he could still feel his heart thundering in his chest.
"When I invented you for food I didn't imagine I'd be on the menu." She joked.
He turned to look at her, even in the low light of the room her eyes shone, dancing with happiness.
Shifting his position Jacob scooted closer, he stopped once he was hovering above her,  his hips nestled between her thighs. "Walking around naked except for one of my shirts!? And your surprised we ended up here?" Jacob raised a questioning eyebrow as Connie fought against the smirk that threatened to break out across her features.
He felt himself reacting to the beauty gazing up at him once again.
"I think we're here like this because you have no self control." Remarked Connie and Jacob knew she had felt his stirring manhood.
"Only when it comes to you." He told her, his comment being just as cheesy as the grin he wore but it didn't stop him, with renewed energy he lent down, kissing her deeply.
He heard her groan as his hips ground into hers and it sent bolts of electricity shooting down to his ever harding length.
Moments like this, being with her made all the trails and tribulations seem like a distant memory. He could loose himself in her, paying no mind to the world passing by.
The euphoria that washed over him as he sunk inside her core was breath taking, hearing her chant his name soothed his soul like nothing else could.
She pushed his control to it's limits, the way she kissed him, they way it felt as he stroked in and out of her, the sound their bodies made as they rocked together.
He could feel the sweat beading on his forehead and his muscles tremble under the exertion, he wouldn't be able to hold out much longer, his body screaming out for release.
A pain in his shoulder brought him crashing back from the haze of pleasure. Connie was griping his shoulder with her teeth, his flesh muffling the sound of her cry as she came pulling him with her.
He couldn't help the way his hips twitched against hers pumping everything he had inside her.
He chuckled at the sight of Connie as she wandered into the kitchen freshly showered yet again, but this time wearing her own pinstripe pyjamas and fluffy white dressing gown.
"Where's my shirt gone?" He asked amused as she shot him a glare, eyes pinched together sending him a warning look.
"I'm hungry...I thought I'd be safer wearing these." She teased.
They sat side by side as they ate sandwiches in comfortable silence. "Sorry." He heard her mutter and he didn't understand until she ran a gently finger across his shoulder and the fading indents her teeth had made.
"I'd rather this than waking Grace and having the embarrassment of her walking in on us." He joked easing her concerns.
Jacob waited patiently for her to find the words, her mind was working overtime, he could see it in her face. He always knew when she was mulling something over with herself and sometimes he'd have no problem making an educated guess as to what was bothering her but not tonight, not now.
He saw her back out. "It's getting late..." she mumbled taking their plates to the sink. "...We should get some sleep."
He was tempted to leave or at least offer to, it was obvious she was struggling to find the right words to say. Maybe she needed some space. He cursed himself, maybe she'd had their evening planned, maybe she'd got it all figured out in her head. Had he gone and messed up her train of thought?
"Jacob?" By the volume she'd called his name he knew he'd missed her first attempts to get his attention, his busy mind drowning out her voice. "Are you coming up?"
He couldn't say no.
The next morning Jacob woke with a start, leaning over him with her head resting on her hand was Connie.
"Morning beautiful." He said in his drowsy state. There could never be a more prefect sight than the one that greeted him, her radiant smile beaming down at him.
"Morning muscles."
"So..." He dared. "...do we talk now?" Looking at the clock. "...we have some time before Grace needs to be up."
"I think that's a good idea." She said with a nervous smile.

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