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Amusement tickled Jacob as watched her savour the last slice of pizza, the piece should have been his but the way she eyed it longingly, who was he to deprive her. It was these simple moments that he craved, that he missed in their time apart.
With the meal gone he felt a twinge of awkwardness niggle at him, up until this point polite conversation had flowed. They were still finding their feet and the ease they'd found like on the morning of the crash wasn't quite there. He was holding back not knowing why and she was unsure for the very first time.
Connie must have felt it too because she got up, taking her time disposing of the pizza box just to be busy and pulls a bottle of wine from the rack. "Drink?"
"I should head off." He's not sure what made him say it but the regret is instant. You'd have to be blind not to see the flash of sadness cross Connie's features. "If you don't want me to..."
"Your probably right...it's late." She murmured but made no move, she stayed leaning against the countertop. They were both being polite again, saying what they thought the other wanted to hear, like being on a nervous first date.
It didn't feel right, she'd done what he'd asked and made that promise but he'd not got the closure he'd expected, maybe it hadn't sunk in yet.
Picking up his coat they both walk to the door which leads them to the age old dilemma, to kiss or not to kiss, the lips or cheek and trying to guess what the other would want can only drive you insane as you think in circles.
Connie opened the door and stepped aside, her actions were slow, dragging the process out. "I guess I'll see you at work tomorrow."
He nodded and leant in, moving passed her lips to her cheek pressing a lingering kiss there as he breathed in the faint scent of her perfume. It was a tender moment that tested them both, igniting embers that had long since fizzled out, the crackle of attraction still lived on and paid no attention to the slow progress the couple were making.
Jacob made a swift move out the door, to let desire take control now would be a mistake. It wouldn't just be one kiss, he craved this woman, the six months of pent up emotions and unspoken words that threatened to tumble from his lips served no purpose. Not now, not when they were learning each other anew. Not when he still had his doubts.
Sleep was elusive for Jacob that night, he didn't understand what was happening, he felt certain all he needed was some sort of reassurance from her. Reassurance that he meant something to her and now he had it, yet here he was home alone still contemplating his actions and hers.
He never thought he'd be one of those people. The kind that wouldn't learn, that always went back for more no matter how ill treated. He'd always thought to be in a relationship like that was good for nobody yet here he was, going back for more for the third time.
He was doing it with eyes wide open and for the last time, that was a silent promise to himself as he realised what was bothering him. He was still hurt, he wanted to be with her and glad to be moving forward but his dark clouds had yet to move from the horizon.
He had one toe in the water, to scared to jump in.
Jacob had finished half a shift before he saw Connie glide through the department. Not a hair out of place, her clothes crisp and expensive. She walked with confidence and purpose, her famous heels only solidified her dominance over everyone around her.
Taking a calming breath Jacob followed her, closing her office door behind him and waited for her to deposit bag on the desk.
"What was last night Jacob?" He heard her sigh, she didn't need to turn round to know that it was him gate crashing her privacy.
His silence must have peeked her curiosity and she turned around just in time for his lips to come crashing down against hers, something he'd wanted to do for so long. He kissed her like a starved man would, ploughing everything he had into it, all the love and passion he had for her. He was making the leap, the risk was his to take, maybe he'd regret it, maybe he wouldn't but he'd never know if he didn't. All the fears and reservations fading as he felt her begin to melt into him, kissing him back with equal heat.
Jacob cupped her jaw, holding her to him as his heart danced in his chest, it was like coming home, they fit together so easily. She responded to him with eagerness, wrapping her arms around him, clinging to him like a lifeline and it made him want more. Common sense and rational thought was pushed aside as they lost themselves in each other. He had no willpower to stop, heat surged through his veins like a fever, his head swam with the lack of oxygen and still he couldn't stop.
He felt Connie start to pull away and he was confused as to why it had to end, his mind delirious with love and lust.
Panting he rested his forehead against hers. "What you do to me." He murmured as reality started to creep back and it made him chuckle. At some point during their encounter he'd manoeuvred Connie till she was pressed up to the filing cabinets, his hips holding her in place and his roaming hands had found bare skin beneath her blouse.
He took in her appearance, dishevelled and flushed, lips swollen from their untamed kisses but he thought she'd never looked more beautiful. A rye smile directed straight at him only made him want to do it all again.
"That was..." Her voice thick with arousal as she panted to catch her breath. "Unexpected..." He could see her weighing up her next words. "...Last night Jacob...What happen...I felt like...Like I'd forced you to be there."
"I'm sorry...I thought you accepting that we were in this together would be enough...I thought I was ready...I can't just forget...once bitten twice shy and all that."
"Okay...I understand that..." She cast a scrutinizing eye over him as she let her hands slide from around his neck and he instantly felt bereft. "...So..What was this?"
He smirked as he replied their intense kiss in his mind. "I honestly don't know...I saw you there and..." He shrugged. "...I just had to kiss you."
"Just so we're clear...Are we together..." He watched uncertainty settle on her features as she waited for his answer, and he did want it. He wanted it all.

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