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Jacob did a double take, from across the department he watch Connie stride in with Grace at her side. They looked happy talking about the young Beauchamp's trip and doubt entered his mind.
Connie had promised to tell Grace as soon as she landed about their progress, about their reconciliation but he couldn't help imagine a repeat conversation. Her telling him she'd do it soon and him with all the reasons why they shouldn't hide. He dreaded putting pressure on her but the thought of history repeating itself tore at his heart.
"Aren't you going to say hi?" Wondered Charlie.
This man was a well meaning menace, Jacob had no idea how he managed to creep up on him and know exactly what was running through his mind. Maybe he was just that obvious.
"She's supposed to tell Grace we're back together...I thought I'd give them some time."
"What makes you think she hasn't already done it?" Quizzed Charlie before disappearing just as quietly, not giving Jacob a second to form his defence.
Maybe he was becoming a pessimist but he really couldn't envisage things going so smoothly.
Hours later in the midst of his shift he felt himself being tugged off course, away from prying eyes to a secluded corridor. "Grace has been asking for you." Connie accused looking at his expectantly.
"I've been busy..." He knew she wasn't buying it. "...I didn't want to rush you...I'd thought I'd give you some time together." He shrugged like it was no big deal, like he hadn't spent all morning analysing and second guessing.
"You didn't believe I'd tell her!" She frowned.
He had no time to deny it, she had hold of his hand yet again, with a motion of her head he followed her willingly through the department drawing all sorts of amused looks their way.
She led him into her office where he was faced with Grace sat with her homework laid out in front of her.
"Jacob!" He was quick to react as she practically through herself into his arms. "I wanted to come and find you but mum said I needed to catch up before I have to go back to school tomorrow!" Her moan was followed by an eye roll and it made him chuckle. "I'm sooo glad you and mum have sorted things out...She was becoming a real nightmare."
"Oi Missy!" Protested Connie, her tone laced with humour.
Looking over his shoulder he could see her, smugness oozing from her every pore, a grin so broad he was sure her face must hurt. It was 'I told you so' and he heard it loud and clear. It should have annoyed him, niggle at him that she was lording his insecurities over him but it didn't. If there was anything he was glad to be proven wrong about, it was this.
He hugged Grace back, his heart swelling. "It's good to see you firecracker."
As Grace went back to her work Connie slipped into Jacobs arms smiling sweetly at him. "Don't start gloating...It not very becoming." He warned playfully enjoying the feel of her pressed against him, her arms around his neck.
She peppered his lips with tiny kisses before pulling back. "I want this." She insisted with hope of some reassurance. "I love you."
"I love you too." Was all Jacob could utter, completely in ore of the woman who never ceased to amaze him.
"Have you asked him yet?" Grace had asked breaking the spell with a question that set Connie into a panic. Jacob could pinpoint the exact second she had decided to flee, her face paled and her body stiffened as she pulled away, such a contrast to the relaxed woman just moments before. Her reaction had him curious. "What's the question?"
He watched as Connie began to make her escape, mumbling something about being late for a meeting, that they'd talk later. Her checks pinked, her actions fidgety.
All he could do was watch her go.
"What was that all about?" Wondered Jacob looking to grace for an explanation, a clue as to what had got the E.D's fierce clinical lead running scared.
"She was nervous...when she told me that you two were back together..." Grace gave him a look of disbelief. "...which I thought was strange because...well I basically told her to stop being a baby and talk too you in the first place sooo...I mean before the accident...we were all sorted...weren't we?" Jacob gave her a nod as he listened, waiting for the other shoe to drop. "You make her happy and so much more fun to be around...so I didn't understand why she thought I'd be upset..." He could see the young girl considering her words carefully and the facial expressions could only remind him of Connie. "...I think she'd be angry if I told you want she said." She finished.
"Then I won't ask anymore of you..." Jacob gave her a reassuring smile. "..she'll talk to me when she's ready."
Leaving Grace in peace Jacob got back to work, he found himself in quiet intervals puzzling what she could possible want to ask that had brought on such a reaction. There was several ideas that he dared not think to deeply about through fear of disappointment.
They'd worked together closely on a handful of patients that afternoon and she remain a picture of professionalism, never once did she stray into the personal. If he hadn't seen her melt down for himself he'd never have believed it happened, she was her cool calm and collected self.
Drifting up beside her at the nurses station Jacob tentatively tested the water. "I bet Grace is climbing the walls." His tone neutral.
"Yes...She was ready to leave five minutes after she walked in..." moaned Connie neatly stacking her patient files. "...I've promised take out...do you fancy joining us." She invited.
"I'd love to...as long as I'm not intruding on any mother daughter time." He found himself checking even though he knew she wouldn't have asked if she didn't mean it.
"Not at all..." Her shoulders sagged. "...I owe you an explanation anyway so..."
If the situation hadn't have been so delicate Jacob would have laughed, watching the usual confident clinical lead organising and reorganizing the same files she'd just put down. Turning to leave then turning back, unsure and unwilling to make eye contact. "...I'm going to take Grace home...I will see you after your shift?"
"You will." Agreed Jacob, resting his elbows on the work top he watched her leave, amused rather than worried.

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