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Jacob stroked a thumb over her cheek, a lose lock of her hair had come free from its grip during their heated embrace so he safely hooked it over her ear before leaning down. This time his kiss was gentle and brief, full of tenderness as he tried to sooth her worry.
"I never want us to be anything but together...me and you Connie...for always."
If he wasn't stood so close he would have missed her choked response. "I want that too."
Jacob cursed the person knocking on the door, it took only one second for his Connie to disappear and ten in total to straighten her clothes, becoming clinical lead once again. It was like she'd flipped a switch as she beckoned to the untimely visitor to enter. He knew the moment was gone and he was sure she didn't even realise he'd left as she went head to head with her boss over some higher power decision or other. He watched through the open door as she scowled, displeased with the man. She should have had more respect for him given his position but it didn't stop her putting him in his place. She was a force to be reckoned with he thought before going back to work.
"Jacob!" He heard her call out. "Your finished?" She knew the answer, it was obvious he was, he was changed out of his uniform and half way out the exit. "Sorry about earlier...Herrick has bad timing."
She was walking on eggshells with no need to. "It's fine...I was going to ring you later after your shift." He edged her to the side, moving out of the way of the passing public. He swept the same unruly strands of hair away from her cheek as he took in her appearance, she looked warn out after another gruelling day. "Come to mine if you have no plans...I'll make us some food."
"Okay." The smile that lit her face was bright and genuine, he saw her happiness. He'd done that, he still had the gift she had given him so long ago.
They talked, not like the previous night, they really talked. Catching up on each others lives, sharing stories, moments they'd missed out on. Grace was a large topic, he felt a sadness that he hadn't been there and he told Connie so, that it was all he ever wanted, to be there for all the ups and downs.
There was no strain and it put Jacob at ease, his heartache still lingered but the way Connie smiled at him made him forget.
When they'd finished eating Jacob excused himself to put on his comfy sweatpants and when he returned the sight that met him took his breath away, Connie washing up their dinner plates, the clips removed from her hair and shoes discarded to some unknown place. It was like she'd never been away from his home.
Sliding his arms around her waist he felt her stiffen then instantly relax, accepting his embrace. "You made me jump...we should get you a bell so I hear when your sneaking around." She joked leaning her head to the side giving him more of her neck to kiss.
"Serves you right for interfering in my housework." He murmured into her hair as he inhaled her scent. She felt so small but fit perfectly in his arms.
It was to much, these feelings he had. The strength of his love for her was becoming to great, to consuming. The urge to put it into words pained him to hold back, to push to hard to fast.
"What are you thinking?" Wondered Connie as she placed the last plate on the draining board.
He could hear the concern in her voice, maybe even a pinch of fear. "I was thinking..." He sighed, the words were on the tip of his tongue. "...that tonight has been great-" "-but it's time for me to go?" She predicted wrongly.
Here they were again second guessing each other. "No..." He turned her round so she was leaning against the sink. "...I don't want you to go...I was about to say...tonight has been great and if you wanted to stay I'd be more than okay with that." He watched her genuine smile take over her features as she gazed up at him and he had no choice but to claim her lips, caressing them with his own. It was deep and full of promise drawing a low moan from Connie. They both gasped as he pulled away. "There's something I need to say and I'm sure it's not the right time...Definitely not how I imagined...But it's...I can't not...I think I may burst-" "-I love you." Jesus's this woman, how she manages to surprise him after so long, how she can still knock him off him feet. He couldn't hide the shock of what she'd said, he'd been caught so off guard there was no hiding it. He'd been prepared for her telling him he didn't mean it or brushing it off as a passion induced moment of madness but this, this pre-emptive strike on her part had floored him.
"Did I get it wrong?" She doubted.
"No...No..." He didn't recognise his own voice as he tried to swallow his thundering heart stuck in his throat. "...No...I just didn't expect you beating me to it...Plus you kind of ruined my speech."
"Oh...You had a speech...Sounded very much like mumbling to me." She mocked happily and to Jacobs delight showed no sign of panic or regret.
"I love you too." He said it with sincerity and all the humour fizzled away.
It only relieved a small amount of pressure, there was so much more he needed to say. Feeling her take his hand, tugging him towards his bedroom he realised the rest the of pent up words of love and devotion would have to wait for another time.
They both needed a different kind of release.

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