One: Lucinda

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Vampires and werewolves have fought for centuries, so it is no secret that we don't particularly like one another. Each species has kept to themselves over the years, never wanting to get involved with the other. Depending on which side you have been brought up on, comes your perspective and stories:

Accusations on who is good and who is bad. Who started this war and why. How vampires and werewolves will never be able to get along.

It's true that we all have our own qualities and appearances. The wolves are strong, bold, smart and protective of their pack members. In their human form they seem to stay together in a group.

Although, not all of them do.

I suppose it's a way that they don't draw attention to themselves from the humans - whom they protect during the daylight.

As for us vampires, we are fast, strong, quiet and defencive of our own kind. We prefer to stick to a night schedule. The sunlight bugs us like it does any other human being. We do not burst into flames and certainly do not twinkle like diamonds. I guess you could say that we can stand the sunlight although it does irritate our sensitive eyes. Vampires can't stand a long time in the sun so it is safe to say that the majority of the time we are home schooled.

We can run but not for a long distance, we tire out long before any werewolf does. Of course we need to consume blood to survive - but we only take from those who are willingly giving. Even then it's never from the source. My family and I get our blood from donors, although not all families do.

That is one reason why vampires and werewolves don't mix. They don't understand our way of life and in some ways we don't understand theirs. It certainly doesn't help when your parents move you to a part of the country where werewolves inhabit it the most. Where you have to watch your back and keep your head down so you hope they know you're not a threat.

But beneath all of the conflict, the accusations, the territorial wars... I found an unlikely friend. Nobody could know about our friendship - our bond. It must remain a secret at all costs... even if we have to kill for it.

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